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Torne-se um membros ABCM

Veja algumas vantagens em se manter como nosso Associado:

Acesso regular ao JBSMSE
Boletim de notícias ABCM
Acesso livre aos Anais de Eventos
Possibilidade de concorrer às Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da ABCM.
Descontos nos eventos promovidos pela ABCM e pelas entidades com as quais mmantém acordo de cooperação.
Estudantes de gradução serão isentos no primeiro ano de afiliação.
10% de desconto para o Associado que pagar anuidade anntes de completar os 12 meses da última anuidade paga.
Desconto na compra dos livros da ABCM, entre eles: "Engenharia de Dutos" e "Escoamento Multifásico".

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ABCM Missão e Valores

Missão e Valores

The Brazilian Association of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences – ABCM (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas) – is a non-profitable Civil Partnership of cultural and scientific nature. It was founded in April 19th, 1975, having its head office located in Rio de Janeiro city.


ABCM's goal is to congregate individuals and companies that share an interest in Engineering and Mechanical Sciences development, in order to:

  • Contribute to the development the Engineering and Mechanical Sciences in Brazil;

  • Promote research, interchange, and spreading of knowledge in your working field;

  • Encourage an effective interchange between Universities, Research Centers and Industries, in order to contribute for the development of the country;

  • Encourage the spreading of knowledge in Engineering and Mechanical Sciences through publication of textbooks, monographies, magazines, and other means of communication;

  • Promote interchange with Institutes and Scientific-Technical Associations related, in Brazil and abroad;

  • Promote knowledge regarding Engineering and Mechanical Sciences through Congresses, Simposyums, Conferences, Courses and Scientific-Technical Meetings;

The current scientific and technological development demands from professionals that work in several areas of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences a constant update towards the advances made in the many common fields of work. By participating on a technical-scientific society such as the ABCM, the professional has the unique opportunity to continuously expose oneself to many activities situated on the frontier of the technological-scientific knowledge.

The ABCM has about 900 members, graduated in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Civil, Chemical, Aerospace, Naval, Oil, Materials, and Metallurgy, as well as Applied Physics and Mathematics. Although most of the members work in the academic area, the Association seeks to strenghten more and more the interaction between Universities and Research Centers with the Industrial sector, especially to those ones accustomed to the current technological challenges.

Since its foundation, ABCM has been the main promoting agent on Engineering and Mechanical Sciences in Brazil. This work has been materialized through the several mechanisms, in which stands out:

  • The promotion of regular scientifica and technical meetings, with publication of all event proceedings;

  • The editing of scientific journals and of a news report for the members;

  • The representation of Brazil in international technical institutions;

  • The celebration of agreements of technical and scientific collaboration with the main international societies in the area;

  • The creation of Student Sections with the goal to approach ABCM to the undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering, seeking to contribute to a better formation of the undergraduate student, putting him/her in contact with the technological-scientific production and the industrial sector.