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Publicações ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics – Vol. 6

ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics – Vol. 6


Click here to download in .PDF a document including the “Front Cover”.


The Mechatronics Symposium is the result of the Mechatronics Committee activities of the ABCM - Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering. The sixth issue of the Symposium Series in Mechatronics includes 139 papers selected and presented at the Mechatronics Symposium of the 22th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013), held on November 03-07, 2013 in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil and National Congress of Mechanical Engineering (CONEM 2014), held on August 10-15, 2014 in Uberlândia, MG, Brazil.

The purpose of the Mechatronics Symposium is to gather researchers in order to discuss, disseminate and share relevant results related to research and development activities in the area. The papers included in this volume were submitted to a reviewing and selection process in which they were judged by at least two referees nominated by members of the scientific committee.

Since COBEM-1999, when the first Mechatronics Symposium was organized, efforts were conducted so as to stimulate the submission of papers from abroad as well as invite a larger number of experts, giving the Symposium an increasing relevance in the international scenario.

A total of 219 abstracts were initially submitted to the COBEM 2013 including not only works from Brazilian research institutes but also from abroad. These abstracts were preliminary evaluated and generated 143 papers that passed through a peer review process and 114 (71 Oral and 43 Poster) were considered adequate for presentation in the Mechatronics Symposium. The review of the Mechatronics Symposium of COBEM2013 involved 91 researchers..

About of 158 abstracts were initially submitted to the CONEM 2014 symposium including works from Brazilian researchers. These abstracts were preliminary evaluated and generated 85 papers that passed through a peer review process and 54 were considered adequate for presentation in the Mechatronics Symposium. This result demonstrates the responsibility of Mechatronics committee with the quality of the papers submitted. The review of the Mechatronics Symposium of CONEM 2014 involved 68 researchers.

We are grateful to the referees and the authors.


The selected papers in this volume are grouped into 2 parts including 14 sections:

Part I – International Congress

Section I - Modelling, Control & Identification
Section II – Sensor, Vision, Image & Embedded Systems
Section III – Kinematics, Dynamics & Mechanisms
Section IV – Robotics
Section V – Mobile Robotics
Section VI – Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Section VII – Vibration & Magnet Bearings
Section VIII – Automotive Systems
Part II - National Congress
Section I - Aplicações de Inteligência Artificial
Section II – Informática Industrial, Sistemas Híbridos e Discretos
Section III – Robótica, Atuadores e Sensores
Section IV – Sistemas de Controle
Section V – Sistemas Hidráulicos e Pneumáticos
Section VI – Visão Computacional


Catalog Card

ABCM Symposium Series Mechatronics, Volume 6

22th COBEM – International Congress of Mechanical Engineering Ribeirão Preto, SP 03 a 07 de novembro de 2013 VIII CONEM – Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica Uberlândia, MG 10 a 15 de agosto de 2014



Sadek Crisostomo Absi Alfaro, Glauco Augusto de Paula Caurin, Antonio Carlos Valdiero, Rogério Sales Gonçalves, Victor Juliano De Negri, Job Angel Ledezma


Elaborado pela ABCM – Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas

Alfaro, Sadek Crisostomo Absi - 1957


Mecatrônica/ Sadek Crisostomo Absi Alfaro, Glauco Augusto de Paula Caurin, Antonio Carlos Valdiero, Rogério Sales Gonçalves, Victor Juliano De Negri, Job Angel Ledezma

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas, 2014.

1364 p. : il.


          I. Mecatrônica. 2. Automação e Controle

         II. Título.


                                 ISBN 978-85-85769-52-9



Copyright 2014 - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas, ABCM.

Av. Rio Branco, 124/14º Andar, 20040-001, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Tel.: 55 21 22210438, www.abcm.org.br


A ABCM não autoriza a reprodução de qualquer parte desta publicação para sua distribuição em geral, para promoções, para a criação de novas publicações ou para a venda. Apenas através de prévia solicitação, por escrito, e em casos excepcionais, a ABCM poderá consentir a cópia de partes deste livro.


Documento preparado pelos editores em novembro de 2014.