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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Atmospheric boundary layer flow simulations with OpenFOAM using a modified k-epsilon model consistent with prescribed inlet conditions

Submission Author: Juan Pablo de Lima Costa Salazar , SC , Brazil
Co-Authors: Juan Pablo de Lima Costa Salazar, Roseane Albani
Presenter: Juan Pablo de Lima Costa Salazar




Two-equation models for the turbulent stress in the Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations are the most common turbulence modeling approach applied to atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flows, mainly owing to their low computational cost. However, these models are known to generate streamwise gradients in the flow variables. As the flow approaches obstacles within the computational domain, even a small streamwise deviation of the flow variables from their inlet boundary conditions may have a non-negligible impact on the flow prediction. Over the years, previous work has addressed this issue in multiple ways, including a reduction of the computational domain upwind of the obstacle and new formulations for the wall functions that are consistent with the inlet boundary conditions. In this work, we implement a non-standard k − ε model in OpenFOAM-v2112 that is appropriate to simulate ABL flows. Results show that the inlet boundary conditions are largely preserved throughout the entire computational domain. Our implementation relies heavily on the previous work of Parente, A., Gorlé, C., van Beeck, J. and Benocci, C., 2011. “Improved k − ε model and wall function formulation for the RANS simulation of ABL flows”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 99, No. 4, pp. 267–278.


atmospheric boundary layer, OpenFOAM, k-epsilon, consistent, CFD




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