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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Numerical simulation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in a partially porous pipe

Submission Author: Roberto Carlos Moro Filho , PR
Co-Authors: Roberto Carlos Moro Filho, Fernando Oliveira de Andrade
Presenter: Roberto Carlos Moro Filho




The present work investigates the turbulence and the heat transfer in partially porous pipes under local thermal non-equilibrium condition. Heat transfer enhancements in pipes filled with porous media have a wide range of applications. Thermal insulation, cooling of electronic devices, catalytic reactors, biological systems, geothermal engineering, are some of the areas of applications. The governing equations were discretized using the finite volume procedure. The system of algebraic equations was solved through the semi-implicit procedure. The SIMPLE algorithm for the pressure-velocity coupling was adopted to correct both the pressure and the velocity fields. Turbulent flow in porous media is modeled using a modified version of k–ε model. The pressure drop, fluid and solid temperature distributions and the local Nusselt number are presented. A comparison is made between the results of turbulent and laminar simulations. The effects of turbulence on velocity and on the solid and fluid temperature distribution are analysed.


Heat transfer enhancement, Porous media, local thermal non-equilibrium, Turbulence Model




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