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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

DNS of gas-liquid stratified flow using second-order finite volume method

Submission Author: Victor Wagner Freire de Azevedo , RN
Co-Authors: Victor Wagner Freire de Azevedo, Emilio Paladino
Presenter: Victor Wagner Freire de Azevedo




Stratified flows are encountered in many forms in industrial processes and in nature. Through many years the spectral methods were applied to study turbulence however these methods are not easily applied to complex flow situations such as multiphase flows. Such methods were mostly applied in fluid-bounded domains when solving stratified flows, which is focused on the near-interface turbulence and not in the bulk flow wall-bounded behaviour. Wall-bounded domains were solved in the last years based on RANS models, nonetheless, the present work performed DNS based on the Second-Order Finite Volume Method discretization to solve stratified gas-liquid flow. The interface was captured with CICSAM and the interface curvature calculated based on the Height-Functions method. The results confirmed the already consolidated resemblance between gas-phase and wall turbulence statistics. The present model showed that DNS for stratified flow is possible based on low-order discretization of governing equations.


direct numerical simulation, Stratified flow, near-interface turbulence




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