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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Comparison of wake effects on wind turbines operating in complex terrain varying the free stream turbulence

Submission Author: Victor Durra , SP
Co-Authors: Victor Durra, Bruno Carmo
Presenter: Bruno Carmo




Due to the increase of interest in wind energy, complex terrains have become fundamental to its expansion. Through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, in an idealized complex terrain (slope and plain), this paper presents a comparison of two inflow types in the developed numerical domain: laminar and synthetic turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) inflows, which produces a logarithmic mean velocity profile. Regarding the turbulent inflow, the inlet type used is the Turbulence Divergence-Free Synthetic Method (DF-SEM), which is a velocity boundary condition that synthesizes eddies in Large Eddy Simulations (LES). It was possible to assess the wake effects in two NREL 5MW wind turbines in tandem as the inflow changes. This has been devised in the open-source software OpenFOAM, using the LES turbulence model and modelling the turbines with the Actuator Line Method (ALM). Power production during the simulations, power coefficient calculated using probes and turbulence parameters were employed to assess the simulation response. The obtained results showed that the turbulence influences the turbines’ performance, specifically due to the faster wake recovery effect compared to the laminar counterpart


Wind turbine wakes, Complex terrain, wake effect, Atmospheric turbulence, Computational simulation




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