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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Experimental and Numerical Characterization of an Isothermal Natural Gas Jet in the Near Field of an Open Mini Gas Injector

Submission Author: William Alexander Carrillo Ibanez , PR
Co-Authors: William Alexander Carrillo Ibanez, Marcio Jose Espindola Demetrio, Amir Antonio Martins Oliveira, Fernando Pereira




The radial and axial velocity and turbulence intensity profiles were measured using the hot-wire technique and predicted by numerical simulation in the near field at the outlet of three mini gas injectors used in atmospheric burners. The gas injectors have 1.5 mm of orifice diameter and a cup-like region at the outlet. The working fluid is natural gas and the orifice Reynolds number was fixed at 3060 for all measurements. The radial velocity profiles were measured at a distance of 0.48 mm from the injectors outlet and their characteristics determine the development of the jet shear layer. While injector 1 provides an initially laminar shear layer, injector 3 results in an unstable shear layer, with the presence of high velocity fluctuations. These results are confirmed by both the Schlieren measurements and the spectral analysis. The numerical simulations used the Gamma-Re_theta RANS transition model available in the STAR-CCM+ commercial package. The numerical results provide a jet spreading rate slightly bigger than the measurements suggest for injector 1 and an overall behavior well predicted for injector 3. Injector 2 presented larger deviations, since the effect of the internal mixing layer in the cup region was not well predicted numerically.


Gas injectors, Transition flow, hot wire anemometry, Atmospheric burners




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