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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Erosion in square-shaped and aerodynamic baffles in gas-solid flow of a CFB riser: comparison using different erosion models

Submission Author: Vivien Rossbach , SC
Co-Authors: Vivien Rossbach, Arthur Bernardo, Sarah Laysa Becker, Henry França Meier, Dirceu Noriler
Presenter: Sarah Laysa Becker




Using ring-baffles has been widely discussed to increase the gas-solid contact in CFB risers. Several optimized geometries for ring-baffles have been proposed in the literature to improve the solids dispersion without causing a large axial pressure drop in the riser. However, it is necessary to consider the erosion suffered by ring-baffles because of impingement of solid particles on its surface to estimate their life cycle. This study evaluates, through CFD simulations, the temporal and local erosion suffered by aerodynamic and square-shaped ring-type baffles in a pilot-scale CFB riser. These baffles, according to the literature, have a better performance in increasing gas-solid contact in CFB risers. Four different erosion models were compared to quantify erosion using an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. The results show both geometries present a greater wear in their lower region, but the erosion in squared baffles is more severe when compared to the erosion suffered by aerodynamic baffles. In addition, erosion models present predictions with the same trend but with different magnitudes, and the comparison with experimental data is necessary to choose the most appropriate erosion model for this application.


Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Erosion, Ring-baffles, CFB riser




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