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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Features of mixing transition in 2D mixing layers simulated with high order spectral/hp methods

Submission Author: Daniel Garcia-Ribeiro , SP
Co-Authors: Daniel Garcia-Ribeiro, Rodrigo José Albuquerque Barreira, Vinicius Malatesta, Rodrigo Costa Moura
Presenter: Daniel Garcia-Ribeiro




Turbulent flows are a major topic of research because they have plenty of different applications, besides there is still much to understand about them. In this context, mixing layers arise as a specific kind of flow that can reach turbulence under high enough Reynolds number as it is in other types of flow. Also, specifically for mixing layers, the Reynolds number of the flow increases with the downstream direction, which permits the visualization of the turbulence development and, before that, the so-called mixing transition phenomenon. Although mixing layers have been extensively studied in the past and the mixing transition has already been documented, the literature relies majority on experimental investigations or on 3D numerical simulations. Therefore, this paper analyses a 2D mixing layer and reports features of mixing transition. To this end, an open-source spectral/hp element method software with the Continuous Galerkin scheme, namely Nektar++, is used to resolve and capture the small scales associated with the mixing transition


mixing layer, Mixing transition, iLES, Continuous Galerkin Method, High order spectral/hp methods




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