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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Numerical analysis of the turbulent flow of the cooling jacket applied in a stainless steel thermosyphon

Submission Author: Victor Vaurek Dimbarre , PR , Brazil
Co-Authors: Victor Vaurek Dimbarre, Felipe Mercês Biglia, Luiz Eduardo Melo Lima, PAULO HENRIQUE DIAS DOS SANTOS, Thiago Antonini Alves
Presenter: Victor Vaurek Dimbarre




Thermosyphons are passive heat transfer devices that operate using latent heat exchange and are divided into three sections: evaporator, adiabatic, and condenser. The evaporator section has the characteristic of absorbing heat from an external source, the adiabatic section has the characteristic of not performing thermal exchanges with the environment and, finally, the condenser section aims to transfer the absorbed heat to the cooling flow. In this context, the objective of this work is to perform a numerical analysis of the fluid dynamic behavior of the internal flow of a cooling shirt of the condenser section of a stainless steel thermosyphon that uses water as a working fluid. The analysis was performed using the Ansys Fluent® 2021 R2 application and the turbulence was modeled using a Reynolds Stress Transport Model. This turbulence model complies with the required purposes and can determine characteristic scales of turbulence, being suitable for the application in question that requires the knowledge of the average quantities. From the simulations it was possible to estimate the velocity profiles and current lines in the different regions of the condenser, thus showing which are the regions of greatest turbulence in the internal flow to the cooling jacket.


Fluidodinâmica Computacional, RANS, Turbulência, Termossifão




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