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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Fluid-structure interaction for turbulent incompressible flow over a cylinder-plate system

Submission Author: Freddy Portillo Morales , SP
Co-Authors: Freddy Portillo Morales, Aristeu Silveira Neto, Aldemir Ap Cavalini Jr, ricardo catta preta, Vinícius Hagemeyer Chiumento
Presenter: Freddy Portillo Morales




For computational numerical simulations of fluid-structure interaction it is possible to use a partitioned approach, which allows separating the system into two subsystems, fluid and structural. MFSim is a multi-physics software, developed at the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (MFLab) of the Federal University of Uberlândia, it allows to solve fluid-structure iteration problems in a partitioned way, discretizing each subsystem with a different mesh, solving them separately and communicating them at each time step. In MFSim the fluid subsystem is solved using the finite volume method (FVM) and the structural subsystem using the finite element method (FEM). As a bridge between these two methods is the immersed boundary method (IB) to calculate the fluid-dynamic forces exerted by the flow under the structure. In this work the computational simulation of FSI is solved with weak coupling (one way). The case study of this work is based on a typical validation case for FSI problems proposed by Turek and Hron (2006), it is an incompressible turbulent flow in a channel around a solid structure with an elastic part. In the structural subsystem, a mesh formed by solid hexa-8 elements with extra shape functions is used. For the fluid formulation, the Smagorinsky model is used, for turbulence closure.


fluid-structure interaction (FSI), Smagorinsky turbulence model, Hexa-8 with extra shape functions, MFSim




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