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EPTT 2022

13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence


Submission Author: Luis Henrique da Silva Ignacio , MG
Co-Authors: Luis Henrique da Silva Ignacio, Francisco Souza, Carlos Duarte
Presenter: Luis Henrique da Silva Ignacio




In this work, the analysis of the power coefficient of a SeaGen turbine in 1:25 scale was performed. This procedure is fundamental in the turbine development and/or improvement process and is largely performed through the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) methodology, which is applied in QBlade software and its starting point are the curves of drag and lift coefficients as a function of the angle of attack. The Reynolds number to obtain such curves was defined as that occurs in the cross section located at a position equal to 70\% of the blade span. In addition, for the NACA 63-618 aerodynamic profile, which is applied along the entire blade span of SeaGen turbine, the Langtry-Menter Shear Stress Transport (LM-SST) transitional turbulence model was applied and showed a good agreement with experimental results. Before assessing the turbine power curve, the lift and drag curves were treated with AERODAS model, which estimates the pre-stall and post-stall lift and drag values. The power curve obtained presented a good approximation with the experimental. Therefore, all the necessary steps for a relatively simple and low cost turbine energy evaluation are detailed.


NACA 63-618, LM-SST, AERODAS, turbine power curve, transitional turbulence model




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