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EPTT 2022
13th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence
Bubbles Coalescence Modeling and Phase Interactions in a Squared Bubble Column
Submission Author:
Ana Paula Moreira de Freitas , Brazil
Ana Paula Moreira de Freitas, Jonathan Utzig, João Marcelo Vedovotto
Presenter: Ana Paula Moreira de Freitas
In the present work, the influence of bubble coalescence on the continuous phase in bubble columns is studied. The Euler-Lagrange approach is used to describe the two-phase flow equations of motion. To map the free surface between the gas and the liquid, the Volume of Fluid (VoF) method is used, as well as the bubbles collisions tracking in the liquid medium is realized by the DPM method, considering the four-way coupling. The algorithm to solve the coalescence proposed by Sommerfeld et al. (2003) was implemented and verified in the MFSim computational package. The results showed good agreement with experimental data, despite new improvements in the model can be made.
Coalescence, Bubble Column, biphasic flows