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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

A Comparison of Functional Models for the Subgrid-scale Stress Tensor in LES of a Coaxial Turbulent Jet

Submission Author: Jean Pinho , SC
Co-Authors: Jean Pinho, Andre Muniz
Presenter: Jean Pinho




Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is an efficient technique to simulate turbulent flows of practical interest, based on the elimination of flow scales smaller than a characteristic length, and direct resolution of the largest scales. There is a variety of subgrid-scale models available in the literature to describe the turbulence in small scales, with different levels of complexity and computational cost. Although many advances have been achieved since the development of the LES technique, there is still no consensus on a definitive subgrid model for generic use in engineering applications. The objective of this work is to analyze the effect of subgrid modeling in LES of turbulent coaxial jets. Simulations were carried out for a test problem using the Smagorinsky, Germano and Velocity Structure function models, and results were compared with experimental data from the literature. The best results for average properties were found with the Smagorinsky model with an optimal \textit{ad hoc} coefficient, while the dynamic model of Germano was the one that best described the turbulent features. These results show that this type of comparative analysis is of fundamental importance to obtain reliable results when addressing new problems.


Subgrid-scale Modeling, LES, Numerical simulation, Turbulence




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