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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Numerical Study of Inclined Dense Jet Dispersion in Stagnant Environments

Submission Author: Pedro Henrique Augusto Mota , MG
Co-Authors: Pedro Henrique Augusto Mota, Marcelo Maia Ribeiro Damasceno, Aristeu Silveira Neto, João Marcelo Vedovotto
Presenter: Pedro Henrique Augusto Mota




A numerical investigation of the dispersion of dense jets was performed. In order to numerically simulate the advective and diffusive transport of the dense jet, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques were considered. The simulations were executed in the MFSim software using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach and the Dynamic Smagorinsky sub-grid model. The modeling of the advective and diffusive scalar transport equation was conducted based on two sub-grid scalar flux models with constant and dynamically calculated turbulent Schmidt numbers. Moreover, two distinct methodologies were considered to model a turbulent inflow boundary condition. The Adaptive Mesh Refinement method (AMR) was considered to dynamically refine the domain according to the jet dispersion and to reduce computational costs. The LES simulations results were compared with experimental data of a turbulent dense jet discharging into a stagnant environment. The simulations performed for the different SGS models with no perturbations showed precise results for the fluid dynamics. However, the scalar dispersion could not be predicted accurately. The addition of perturbations helped to improve the transitional effects of the jet and to achieve better results for the scalar dispersion. Finally, the present work demonstrates a robust and precise methodology to evaluate the dense jet dispersion phenomena, which could also be applied to analyze the impact of brine discharge operation on the marine environment.


LES, Dense jet, turbulent inflow, AMR




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