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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

CFD Investigation of Turbulence Modeling on a Gas-Liquid Slug Flow Horizontal Pipe

Submission Author: Sarah Laysa Becker , SC
Co-Authors: Sarah Laysa Becker, Carla Nayara Michels dos Santos, Christine Boos, Harlley Henrique Parno, Vivien Rossbach, Henry França Meier, Marcela Silva
Presenter: Sarah Laysa Becker




Gas-liquid flow is characterized by the presence of specific patterns that represent interactions between the phases when they are flowing together inside a geometry. Among them, the slug pattern stands out, being characterized by intermittences of gas and liquid that can cause damage to industrial pipes and equipment. This pattern appears in vertical and horizontal pipes, and depends on operational parameters, changes in the geometry, and phase properties. Several numerical and experimental investigations have been performed to understand the hydrodynamics of slug flow. This work developed a numerical investigation of the turbulence modeling used in a horizontal pipe to capture slug flow instabilities. The simulations were performed with Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), Volume of Fluid (VOF) method, and Geometric Reconstruction scheme. The simulations were compared with experimental data applying standard k-ε and k-ω Shear Stress Tensor (SST) for turbulence and a case without turbulence model. Time series, power spectral density, slug frequency and translational velocity from pressure data were analyzed. All simulations, even the case with no turbulence model, captured the slug pattern, also present in the experiments, showing that slug formation was determined by instabilities of the gas-liquid flow.


Two-phase Flow, Slug Pattern, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbulence Model




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