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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence


Submission Author: Adriano Silvares , SP
Co-Authors: Adriano Silvares, Auta Narjara de Brito Soares
Presenter: Adriano Silvares




In the present work, a three-phase system (liquid-vapor-solid) was studied, in which the formation of the solid strongly depends on the mass transfer between vapor and liquid phases. Two reactor designs aiming to promote the contact between the vapor and liquid phases were analyzed and compared. The meso-mixing and micro-mixing characteristics were evaluated from chemical species phase distribution profiles for a CSTR type reactor. The simulation is done using ANSYS FLUENTTM. The work evolved in progressive steps, at first the reactors geometries and meshes were built, followed by simulation with a single phase (liquid), using the Two Components Eulerian Model; here, the levels of micro and meso-mixtures were evaluated. Next vapor phase was added and the momentum, heat and mass interphase transfer were evaluated. Finally, a third solid phase was included, which is formed by pseudo first-order reaction kinetics. In this case, an Eulerian-Eulerian-Eulerian Model was used. The comparison between results for both reactors shows how different reactor designs affect formation performance. The main challenges in such reactor modeling are: the fast production of solids in the reactor determining all life cycle of this solids, the solid-liguid-gas always has both mass transfer and thermodynamic chemical equilibrium to consider in the model. The interfacial phenomena also needs to be incorporated but with enough simplifications. All of these challenges are considered under the importance mechanism of micro-mixing. This paper aims to improve the understanding of the nature of interactions of flow inhomogeneity and micro-mixing with chemical reaction.


Reactor Design, CFD, Multiphase flow. Micro-mixing




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