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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

The Wind Dynamic Pressure Exerted on a Building Facade: Numerical Simulation vs. Normative Specifications

Submission Author: Rhayssa Maryell Marra Ribas , PR
Co-Authors: Rhayssa Maryell Marra Ribas, Vivian Machado, Yara de Souza Tadano, Luiz Eduardo Melo Lima
Presenter: Rhayssa Maryell Marra Ribas




The buildings' height is a determining factor in urban areas of high demographic density, considering the increase in population and the decrease in non-built habitable regions. Currently, there are Brazilian standards that present definitions and mathematical models for the design of safe and reliable building structures. The Brazilian Standard NBR 6123 determines calculation procedures to obtain the efforts caused by the winds under the buildings. Therefore, this work aims to compare the data provided by NBR 6123 concerning the results obtained by numerical simulations. The numerical simulations were performed by the commercial software ANSYS-Fluent, which uses the finite volume method to solve the governing equations. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations were solved employing the standard k-epsilon turbulence model and the SIMPLE algorithm for the pressure-velocity coupling. The results obtained for the pressures caused in the windward (the side where the wind blows) of a slender building showed a satisfactory concordance. Normative specifications are limited, but sufficient for the project without the need for additional experimental data. However, numerical simulations provide much more details for the project.


numerical simulations, normative specifications, buildings




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