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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Numerical Analysis of the Geometry Influence on the Flow's Aerodynamic Performance in Elevated Buildings

Submission Author: Carlos Henrique Diedrich , PR
Co-Authors: Carlos Henrique Diedrich, Vivian Machado, Thiago Antonini Alves, Luiz Eduardo Melo Lima
Presenter: Carlos Henrique Diedrich




The buildings’ height has become a relevant factor for territory economy and higher accommodation of people. And, this is due to the world population’s growth and the population density increase in large cities. The vertical growth of buildings has been restricted by structural limits and by the winds’ influence operating in the higher regions. Currently, many technologies, such as the use of air conditioner and the geometries optimization, have enabled advances in the design of increasingly tall buildings. However, the structure built in very tall buildings makes them more subject to airflows. These airflows generate aerodynamic stresses that directly influence the structure stability. In this context, computational fluid dynamics is a tool widely used to analyze the airflows’ influence in buildings. This tool kind provides extensive possibilities for evaluations and optimizations, without meaning costs, only using computers with processing capacity enough to the simulations. A numerical analysis was carried out in this work to study the influence of geometry in the simulation of one of the highest buildings in the world, the Shanghai World Financial Center. Thus, to demonstrate the importance of the airflow on the structures’ stability, three distinct geometries were considered: structure A—sharp edges; structure B—roundness edges; structure C—similar to structure B but containing a central hole. The governing equations (Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations) were solved using the “Flow Simulation” package of the commercial software SOLIDWORKS. Also, the k–epsilon turbulence model with damping functions and the semi-implicit method for pressure linked equations algorithm for pressure–velocity coupling were employed. The results of the simulations performed showed the values obtained from the acting forces and the pressure and velocity distributions, which prove the viability of the real structure of the building (structure C).


Numerical simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, buildings




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