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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Re-eavaluation of Linear Stability Analysis of Saint-Venant Equations: The Convective Nature of Roll Waves Instaibilities.

Submission Author: Valdirene Rocho , SC , Brazil
Co-Authors: Valdirene Rocho, Guilherme Henrique Fiorot, Sergio Viçosa Möller
Presenter: Valdirene Rocho




Fluid flows may, eventually, can be presented in sufficient condition for certain structures to transition to turbulence to appear, the so-called hydrodynamic instabilities. The relevance of these instabilities is manifested as they lead to more dissipative flow configurations or even bringing orthogonal variations in properties which one wishes to control. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how these instabilities evolve, in order to control and predict the behavior of such flows. In this sense, the objective of this work is to diagnose, with a view to the application in engineering, certain types of instabilities namely: roll waves occurring in turbulent flow over an inclined channel. From linear stability analyzes, at first, a mathematical model of the literature is recovered to define the formation criteria of roll waves. In a second step, it is shown mathematically that the instability criteria are based on the Froude number, this occurs when the specific mass variation is large, given a slender interface.


Roll Waves, instabilities, Flows




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