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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

A hybrid numerical-experimental analysis of the effects of delta winglet vortex generators in plate-finned heat exchangers with forced convection

Submission Author: Willian Kévin Rauber , SC , Brazil
Co-Authors: Vittor Naspolini Zanatta, Ualisson Ferreira da Silva, Willian Kévin Rauber, Miguel Vaz Jr., Paulo Zdanski
Presenter: Willian Kévin Rauber




The present work performs a numerical-experimental study, addressing the effects of delta winglet vortex generators on the heat transfer rate by forced convection in a plate finned heat exchanger. Thus, a hybrid approach is presented to obtain the thermal performance of the heat exchanger. The methodology used aims to determine the average convection heat transfer coefficient and the overall efficiency of the finned surface. For this, a combination of numerical simulations with experimental data from wind tunnel was applied in the finned arrangement with delta winglet turbulence promoters, the methodology was validated with empirical correlations for the Nusselt number. A study of the parameters of the turbulence promoters was carried out, analysing the vertical dimension of the delta winglet and height relative to the transverse axis of the heater. The main results indicate that the Nusselt number was improved 6.4% when the vertical dimension of the winglet was greater and when the heater and the winglet were not aligned.


forced convection, Plate finned heat exchanger, Numerical-experimental analysis, Delta winglet, vortex generator




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