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EPTT 2020
12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence
Influence of Double Flame Spray Pyrolysis on nanoparticle size
Submission Author:
Nadine Rafagnim , SP
Nadine Rafagnim, Pedro Bianchi Neto, Dirceu Noriler, Udo Fritsching
Presenter: Nadine Rafagnim
The ability to control particle size and distributions is a desired attribute of a nanoparticle production process. Among such processes, the Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP) can turn many elements of the periodic table into metal nanoparticles by the injection of a low-cost metallic precursor dissolved in a liquid fuel through a nozzle. A further step to FSP is the production of multicomponent nanoparticles in a double flame device (DFSP) where particle properties can be controlled through geometrical modifications. Many experimental works have compared nanoparticles produced by FSP and DFSP, focusing on specific desired properties. In this work, we aim to compare the techniques by analyzing agglomerates and primary particles sizes as well as thermal and chemical profiles. Therefore, Computational Fluid Dynamics was applied, and the continuous gas phase is described by the Eulerian framework whilst a Lagrangian tracking is applied for the liquid phase. A monodisperse population balance model (PBM) describes the solid nanoparticles. Identical precursors and flow rates were considered for both nozzles in the double flame cases. The two-nozzle configuration influence is accessed by varying the intersection distance between flames. The main results emphasize DFSP advantages over FSP on the particle size control, since the flame configuration has great influence on it. Furthermore, it was shown that the application of CFD coupled with a PBM on the description of nanoparticles is a viable technique.
double-flame spray pyrolysis, Combustion, population balance