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EPTT 2020

12th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence

Assessment of turbulent inlet conditions and numerical parameters on LES simulations of the flow over a single cylinder

Submission Author: Matheus Rover Barbieri , SC
Co-Authors: Matheus Rover Barbieri, Raissa Lazzaris, Leonardo Machado da Rosa, Jonathan Utzig, Henry França Meier
Presenter: Jonathan Utzig




The study of flow-induced vibrations has received special attention in the past years, motivated by the occurrence of financial losses and failures in industrial units. Flow structures exert forces over the tubes, whose action is one of the major factors impacting the integrity of equipments. The rise of numerical methodologies enabled the evaluation of such factors in a safer and more economical way. Among the numerical parameters that influence the forces and flow responses in such assessments, the turbulent intensity at the inlet boundary can increase cylinders’ oscillation and change velocity profiles and force coefficients. Hence, models able to synthesize the turbulence in numerical simulations are an alternative to represent the flow in a more reliable way. The aim of the present study is to investigate the use of turbulence synthesizer models to approximate from data acquired in an experimental facility, comparing force coefficients and flow features. The results were compared with experimental and literature data. The simulations employing the turbulence synthesizer models presented closer responses regarding the vortex-shedding frequency and the fluctuating lift coefficient. However, the simulation without turbulence synthesizer showed better results for the mean drag coefficient and other flow features, such as the formation length.


Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), LES simulation, turbulent inlet conditions, Single Cylinder




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