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Caracterização da resistência ao desgaste de revestimentos de NbMo depositados por aspersão térmica

Submission Author: Sarah Anabele Silva , PR , Brazil
Co-Authors: Isabela Fernanda Rocha Corrêa, Sarah Anabele Silva, Gustavo Bavaresco Sucharski, Ramón Sigifredo Cortés Paredes
Presenter: Isabela Fernanda Rocha Corrêa




Some industrial applications require that the materials have good wear resistance, especially when there is a need for operation at high temperature, without presenting significant loss of mechanical resistance. The thermal spraying allows to produce a high-adhesion coating without changing the microstructural characteristics of the metal base (substrate). Therefore, the scratch resistance in Niobium (Nb) materials with the addition of Molybdenum (Mo) was studied. The results obtained, through the wear tests, shows that the differences in the morphological characteristics (porosity and oxide content) and drx of the two processes present different tribological mechanisms. And that both coatings are able to protect the substrate, not exposing it to possible wear in the region. It was also possible to observe that the coating had a very small thickness, but that it didn’t interfere with its adhesion capacity and that the increase in Mo generates an increase in porosity and reduces adhesion.


Aspersão Térmica, tribologia, revestimento




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