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Seleção de Termossifões para Aplicação em um Sistema Híbrido Fotovoltaico/Térmico

Submission Author: Vitor Otávio Ochoski Machado , PR , Brazil
Co-Authors: Pedro Leineker Ochoski Machado, Vitor Otávio Ochoski Machado, Victor Vaurek Dimbarre, Romeu Szmoski, PAULO HENRIQUE DIAS DOS SANTOS, Thiago Antonini Alves
Presenter: Pedro Leineker Ochoski Machado




A thermosyphon is a gravity-assisted heat pipe used to improve heat transfer in various applications. In this work, a thermal analysis of three different thermosyphons for application in a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal system was performed. Thermosyphons were manufactured from copper tubes having a total length of 840mm. The working fluid used was distilled water with a filling rate of 50% of the evaporator volume. The evaporator has a length of 650mm, while the adiabatic section and the condenser have lengths of 80mm and 110mm, respectively. The condenser was cooled by water forced convection, the adiabatic section was insulated with fiberglass, and the evaporator was heated by an electric resistor. Experimental tests were performed for a heat load of 80 to 140W in a position at 25º from the horizontal (evaporator above the condenser). The thermal analysis was based on the distribution of temperatures throughout the devices, their thermal resistance and energy and energy efficiency. The thermosyphon B, which has a larger diameter, performed better in all the parameters of the thermal analysis in the tested conditions, showing itself as the best choice between the two thermosyphons for the application of thermal control in photovoltaic panels.


Thermosyphon, Solar Energy, Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal System




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