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Energia solar aplicada à climatização de um restaurante industrial

Submission Author: Sampaio Martins , PA
Co-Authors: Sampaio Martins, Ana Paula Mattos
Presenter: Sampaio Martins




Thermal comfort is essential to maintain a pleasant environment; therefore, the HVAC system's correct dimensioning is necessary. The refrigeration of restaurants is tricky because, at the same time that the environment has to be refrigerated for the people to attend, it's essential to ensure an appropriate temperature for food preservation. Because of their high energy consumption, refrigeration equipment is relevant in energy audits. The objective is to determine the environment's actual cooling load and design a photovoltaic solar system to reduce overload on plant's energy system. As a case study, the present work uses a large industry’s restaurant located in Barcarena/PA. The methodology used in the study is based on the elaboration and application of computational tools to support cooling load calculations and analysis of the most appropriate photovoltaic solar systems to the environment. The results show that the selected photovoltaic system can provide 78% of the refrigeration equipment's energy demand from an initial investment of R$ 710,658. Despite the high initial cost, the project is considered economically viable, with a payback of 3.25 years, positive Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) higher than the rate of attractiveness, 10%.


Thermal confort, Climatization, Refrigeration, Restaurant, Photovoltaic system




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