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CREEM 2019
XXVI Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
Estudo de Caso – Grand Siena Tetrafuel e os Efeitos do uso do GNV
Submission Author:
Sérgio Silva , SE , Brazil
Sérgio Silva, Paulo Franklin Tavares Santos, José Aprígio Carneiro Neto, Wilson Luciano de Souza, Hugo Magalhães Mafra
Presenter: Sérgio Silva
The present work has the objective of identifying and quantifying the main causes for corrective maintenance calls in vehicles powered by Natural Gas (CNG), focusing on the FIAT Grand Siena 1.4 Tetrafuel vehicle, which is the only vehicle in the national market that has the factory GAS KIT, as well as an adaptation project and specific maintenance plan, developed by the manufacturer's engineers team. In order to identify the degree of CNG interference on vehicles, this work consisted of the following steps: determination of car model selection criteria, sampling group selection, collection and analysis of maintenance data, collection and analysis of vehicle data safety inspection, comparative analysis between data collected on maintenance and inspection. From the data obtained it was observed that the Grand Siena Tetrafuel presented results very close to the results of the Flex version, proving that the use of the CNG associated to the 5th generation gas kit does not cause damage to the engine and the transmission of the vehicle due to the presence of the injection module specific to the gas.
Grand Siena Tetrafuel, gás natural veicular, manutenção, Inspeção de Segurança Veicular, Emissão de poluentes