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CREEM 2019
XXVI Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
Submission Author:
Joao Santos , SE , Brazil
Antonio Santos, wesley cruz santana, Adilson Machado, Joao Santos, Diego Pereira
Presenter: Diego Pereira
The work aims to compare FreeCAD free software with proprietary solidWorks software, four parts (bolt, single pulley V, universal joint for agricultural the pieces were drawn in both softwares, the evaluation was carried out in a qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative form was addressed to the facility to access the comados and to execute a resource and the interactivity of the software with the user, in relation to the quantitative analysis were evaluated the parameters, number of clicks to construct each piece and the time needed to make each piece, a software to count the number of clicks and a timer to record performed five repetitions and averaged. FreeCAD software is a modular application and needed to use more than a module to build the cited parts, while SolidWorks software used only a single module. O software behaved much like paid software, in view of some construction of some parts, taking a longer time to build an object due to processing delays of some resources, the number of clicks showed an alternation, in some parts it was higher in FC and in others was lower. With regard to the ease of applying a resource the CF presents a certain ease when compared with SW, already interactivity the two software behave in a regular way.