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CREEM 2019

XXVI Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica

The Influence of Construction Parameters on the Thermal Efficiency and Indicated Power of a Stirling Engine

Submission Author: Vinicius Sousa , MG
Co-Authors: Vinicius Sousa, Lohanna Paiva, Alexandre Zuquete Guarato
Presenter: Vinicius Sousa




The growing energy consumption in many sectors of the society and the decrease in the reserves of some of the most important energy sources of the planet, like petrol and charcoal, show that it's necessary to use the available energy sources as efficiently as possible. The high thermal efficiency and versatility of Stirling engines make them very adequate to these current energy needs. This work aims to contribute to the otimization of the project of these engines. Using a first order mathematical model of an alpha type Stirling engine and a simulation algorithm developed in the MATLAB® software, the effects of construction parameters of these engines on their thermal efficiency and indicated power were analyzed. The simulations, then, returned that a bigger temperature differential between the hot and cold parts of the engine favors the increase of its efficiency and power. The simulations also returned that the reduction in dead volumes and in the regenerator volume, and the increase of the phase angle of the engine (up to 90°) contribute to the increase in indicated power too. Also, through the otimization of these parameters on the developed algorithm, increases of 79,5% in indicated power and 9,1% in thermal efficiency were obtained in comparison with a previously simulated engine.


Stirling engines, Power, Thermal Efficiency, Simulation, Construction parameters




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