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Applications Open for Gerhard R. Andlinger Visiting Fellows

Gerhard R. Andlinger Visiting Fellows in Energy and the Environment


The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University invites applications for the Gerhard R. Andlinger Visiting Fellows Program, with start dates as early as September 1, 2023. The visiting fellows program supports distinguished visitors who can enhance the diversity and excellence of intellectual and academic life at the Andlinger Center and strongly support its core mission. We highly encourage applications from individuals who identify as members of groups that are underrepresented in science and engineering.


Applicants must propose a plan of activities to engage with the Andlinger Center and broader Princeton community in ways that will significantly enrich the Center’s research and/or educational programs. This plan should extend beyond simply advancing the visitor’s career development, research, teaching, or advancing a single collaborator’s research. Examples include:


  • Collaborations supporting team research with multiple Andlinger Center jointly appointed or associated faculty and/or research staff members on projects that advance core research areas:
    • built environment, transportation + infrastructure;
    • electricity production, transmission + storage;
    • fuels + chemicals;
    • environmental sensing + remediation;
    • decision + behavioral science, policy + economics. 
  • Guest lecturing and/or teaching an Andlinger Center energy studies (ENE) or ENE-cross-listed course, with the goal of having the course material absorbed into a permanent ENE or ENE-cross-listed course that will ensure sustained benefit for Princeton students. Note that all teaching appointments require approval by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty.
  • Presenting and/or organizing a series of talks or workshops designed to augment conversation and expand expertise around key areas of interest to a broad spectrum of Andlinger Center associated faculty, research staff and students.


Successful applicants can come from a variety of backgrounds, including industry, government, academia, and/or non-governmental organizations, with the key qualification being demonstrated in-depth expertise in energy and environmental issues.



Visitors are not required to teach, but they may seek to teach an approved course in their area of expertise or guest lecture in Andlinger Center courses under course code ENE, or in ENE cross-listed undergraduate and graduate courses taught by Princeton faculty.


Application Process

Applicants must submit required materials at https://www.princeton.edu/acad-positions/position/2242

  • Applications must be submitted by December 5, 2022
  • Applicants must submit the following materials:
    • Curriculum vitae, including a list of publications or other professional accomplishments;
    • Proposal of planned activities;
    • List of potential collaborators with a brief description of the possible collaboration.
  • Applicants must identify a Princeton sponsor with whom they should discuss and develop fellowship plans. Appropriate sponsors include Andlinger Center faculty, associated faculty and senior researchers, who can be located in our research community.
  • As part of the applications, the Princeton sponsor will be asked by the Andlinger Center to submit a letter of support highlighting the applicant’s unique attributes and merit of their proposed fellowship activities.


Duration and Funding

The nominal duration for the visit is one academic semester; shorter or longer appointments will be considered on an individual basis. Fellows coming without the financial support of their regular employer will be offered full stipend based on experience and/or rank, as determined by the Office of the Dean of Faculty, who determines the salary on the basis of current academic rank and award duration. Appointment rank at Princeton is determined on the basis of seniority and current institutional affiliation. In accordance with university policy, employment and salary verification and visitor participation agreements are required of all appointees.

Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

New Center will Develop the Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Digital Twins for Complex Energy Systems

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