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    CMNE / CILAMCE 2007 is a joint organization of the Portuguese (APMTAC), Spanish (SEMNI) and Brazilian (ABMEC) Associations for Numerical and Computational Methods in Engineering and will congregate the Iberian Latin American community in Porto, Portugal, from 13 to 15 of June, 2007. CMNE is the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering jointly organized by the Portuguese and Spanish Associations, alternating the country at each edition. The first congress of this new series took place in Madrid (2002), followed by those of Lisbon (2004) and Granada (2005). The 4th edition of the congress in this series will be together with the 28th CILAMCE (Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering). The congregation in Porto of these two congresses in 2007 will reinforce the scientific relations and future cooperation between the scientific communities in both sides of the Atlantic. Abstracts must be submitted electronically before December 08, 2006. For further details see: http://numiform.inegi.up.pt/CMNE