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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 115/06 – International Conference VipIMAGE

    “Dear Colleague,

    The International Conference VipIMAGE – I ECCOMAS THEMATIC CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL VISION AND MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING will be held in the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, on October 17-19, 2007.

    The Conference will bring together several researchers from around the world representing several fields of study related to Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, such as: Physics of Medical Imaging; Signal and image Processing; Simulation and Modelling; Data Interpolation, Registration and Compression; Telemedicine; Computer Aided Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy, and Treatment; Computational Bioimaging and Visualization; Software Development and Grid Computing.

    More details regarding VipIMAGE can be found in the following address: http://www.fe.up.pt/VIPIMAGE

    Invited Lectures

    During VipIMAGE Conference the following Invited Lectures are confirmed:

    “Automatic Generation of Computer Models from Multi-modal Bio-medical Imaging”
    Chandrajit Bajaj – University of Texas, USA

    “Computational Bioimaging and Visualization”
    Chris Johnson – University of Utah, USA

    “From Geometrical Models to Physiological Models of the Human Body”
    Hervé Delingette – Institut National de Recherche en Informatique, France

    “Latest advances in Cardiovascular Informatics”
    Ioannis A. Kakadiaris – University of Houston, USA

    “Robust Algorithms for Deformable Contours”
    Jorge S. Marques – Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

    “Image Sequence Evaluation”
    Juan J. Villanueva – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

    “Fast Surface Segmentation and remeshing by finding geodesics”
    Laurent Cohen – Université Paris Dauphine, France

    “Processing of Simultaneous acquisition of EEG and fMRI”
    Mario Forjaz Secca – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

    “Automatic Construction of Statistical Shape Models using Non-Rigid Registration”
    Tim Cootes – University of Manchester, UK


    It is the intention of the organizers to publish the proceedings book of VipIMAGE by the Taylor & Francis Group.

    Important dates

    Submission of extended abstracts: March 15, 2007;
    Authors Notification: April 15, 2007;
    Lectures and Final Papers: May 15, 2007;
    Early registration fee: May 31, 2007.

    Due to your research activities in the field, we would like to invite you to submit a contributed paper. Your contribution is mostly welcomed and we would be honoured if you could participate in VipIMAGE.

    We would appreciate if you could distribute this information by your colleagues and co-workers.

    We are looking forward to see you in Porto next year.

    Kind regards,

    João Manuel R. S. Tavares
    Renato Natal Jorge
    (conference co-chairs)

    For further details please see the conference website at: www.fe.up.pt/VIPIMAGE
    You can obtain a PDF flyer of the VipIMAGE Conference at: www.fe.up.pt/~vipimage/files/Flyer_VipIMAGE.pdf ;
    a poster at: www.fe.up.pt/~vipimage/files/Poster_A3_VIPIMAGE.pdf and the logos at: www.fe.up.pt/~vipimage/files/Logos_VIPIMAGE.zip “.