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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 023/07 – 26th ICAS Congress – Call for Papers

    26th ICAS CONGRESS – Anchorage, Alaska, USA
    14 – 19 September 2008
    Download ICAS 2008 Call for Papers PDF File.

    The 26th ICAS Congress will be hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and will be held from 14-19 September 2008 in Anchorage, Alaska.

    ICAS 2008 will focus on:

    • Aircraft design, systems and systems integration
    • Air transport system efficiency
    • Safety and security
    • Challenge of the environment

    Authors are invited to provide an abstract for a potential paper before 31 July 2007

    Congress Programme

    The ICAS Programme Committee will assemble a Congress programme with a number of parallel technical sessions and poster presentations. Student presentations (see page 4) will be embedded in the technical sessions. Following the experience of recent ICAS Congresses, the number of oral presentations in the final programme is expected to be about 400. There will also be a number of invited lectures on topics of importance and general interest embedded in the technical sessions. A number of “General Lectures” will be held in the morning and afternoon plenary sessions

    Congress Proceedings

    All papers that are accepted for presentation (oral, standby and poster) will be included in the CD- Rom proceedings provided that full texts are received before the 15 June 2008.

    Handling of abstracts

    Please submit your abstract online at ICAS website www.icas.org before 31 July 2007.

    Opening of the Website to submit abstracts will take place in May 2007)

    Authors are invited to pay careful attention to the presentation and content of their abstract. Knowing that there are more candidates than possible presentations, paper selection for the ICAS Congress is done based on the quality of the abstract only. Some important criteria for the abstract to be selected are scientific/technical relevance, importance to the field and actuality.

    Abstracts should be written concisely; include a preliminary title and the opening sentences should indicate the subjects dealt with and the objectives. The abstract should be intelligible and complete in itself. Abstracts should ideally have a length of about two pages including figures and diagrams. When uploading your abstract you will be requested to upload also a short version (about 50 words) to be used in the Congress final programme. Please indicate for which ICAS topic area the paper is intended.

    Your abstract should also include author(s) name, affiliation, complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address. The number of authors should be limited to three (use acknowledgements if applicable).

    At the uploading of your abstract, you should indicate if your paper is intended as an oral or as a poster presentation. Furthermore, it should be indicated if your paper is intended as a student paper.

    Poster Presentations

    Poster sessions will be organized for the cases where this mode of presentation is preferred by authors or considered more appropriate by the Programme Committee. There is in principle no limitation in number for poster papers and they are selected on their merit only.

    Student Presentations Undergraduate or postgraduate students, who will not have completed doctorate studies by the date of the Congress, may submit an abstract on any topic of the Congress. As far as possible, students must ensure before accepting selection in November 2007 that they can cover their travel and hotel expenses. The two best student papers will be awarded with the ICAS McCarthy Award. To be eligible to take part in the competition for the ICAS McCarthy Award, the abstract and subsequent paper is authored and presented by students only.

    Abstract review by Member Societies

    The abstracts will be made available to the national Member Societies by the ICAS Secretariat for screening and evaluation and the Member Societies will be asked to submit their recommendations

    (“not supported, supported, strongly supported”) to the ICAS Programme Committee for final evaluation and selection.

    NOTE: If there is no national ICAS Member Society in the country, the abstracts will be evaluated only by the ICAS Programme Committee.

    The authors will be informed about the acceptance or not of their paper in November 2007. Full papers should be delivered by 15 June 2008 for inclusion in the CD-Rom proceedings.

    Paper review (optional)

    For those authors who would wish it, ICAS will provide a paper review by experts from the ICAS Programme Committee. Authors have to indicate when uploading their abstract if they are interested in this process. Papers will be reviewed based on technical content, importance to field, completeness, style and clarity. Papers that successfully pass the review will obtain an ICAS Recommendation letter. Note that, due to the length of such a process, candidates will be requested to supply their full paper by 15 March 2008. This process will enable a feedback from the reviewer(s) in time to make it possible for the author to improve the quality of the paper.

    About Anchorage

    The largest city in Alaska with a population of 254,000, Anchorage is framed on the north by Mt. McKinley and the agriculturally rich Matanuska-Susitna Valley; on the south by the Kenai Peninsula; the east by Prince William Sound; and the west by Cook Inlet and the great Alaska Range. Anchorage is an exciting, spirited, cosmopolitan city with fine restaurants, shops and first-rate entertainment, surrounded by spectacular wilderness. With over 14 hours of daylight per day in September, there is plenty of time to attend the Congress and to enjoy the location. When meeting in Anchorage, Alaska is on the doorstep and a short drive, or flight, takes you into the “Great Land.” However, much of Alaska’s mystique and beauty can be enjoyed both in, and around, Anchorage itself. Delegates, spouses and their families will be able to experience many attractions either alone or in group tours.

    About Congress Venue

    The William A. Egan Civic & Convention Centre (www.egancenter.com) is a unique blend of Alaskan hospitality, native art, and modern technology. Built in 1984, this Centre is located in the heart of downtown Anchorage, which makes it convenient for a range of restaurants and shops.

    Social Programme

    In addition to the Congress receptions and the banquet, the Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau will welcome accompanying persons with a presentation on local attractions and activities. They will also assist with booking tours.

    Technical visits

    During the Congress, field trips will be arranged to places of interest to the technical community. If you plan your flights back from Anchorage via Seattle, you may also visit Boeing.

    Registration fee

    The congress registration fee, including the CD-ROM Proceedings, is expected to be approximately

    650 USD for early registration. This is 10% lower than for ICAS 2006 in Hamburg. Furthermore please note that hotel costs for Anchorage are considerably lower than for Hamburg (20-25%). The lower costs for registration and hotels will compensate for the higher costs of flights to Alaska.

    Further information can be obtained from:

    ICAS Secretariat
    c/o FOI
    SE-16490 Stockholm
    E-mail: secr.exec@icas.org
    Web: www.icas.org
    1801 Alexander Bell Drive
    Reston, VA 20191-4344
    E-mail: meganh@aiaa.org
    Web: www.icas2008.org