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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 032/07 – IUTAM Symposium


    August 6-10, 2007
    LNCC – Petrópolis – RJ

    Detailed description of the subject:

    The computational modeling of swelling and shrinking and it’s relation with electro-chemo-mechanical

    coupled phenomena have become a central topic in the field of deforming porous media.

    The macroscopic modeling of such systems has been developed within the framework of Modern Mixture Theories and Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes (Onsager’s reciprocity relations) coupled with the poromechanics governing the constitutive behavior of the solid matrix (poroelasticity, poroviscoelasticity or poroplasticity).

    On the other hand the microscopic modeling of such phenomena, which has been the subject of modern Colloid Science, consists in describing the local physico-chemical interactions between electrolyle solutions and the macromolecules using the tools of Electro-Hydrodynamics, Poisson-Boltzmann, Nernst-Planck equations, Molecular Dynamics….

    These two different schools of thought have pursued totally independent ways. Except for a few particular microstructures, no connections have yet been effectively established to correlate coupled electro-chemical phenomena at different scales. With the recent development of modern up-scaling techniques such as Hybrid Mixture Theories, Perturbation techniques, Homogenization, Volume Averaging procedures, Molecular Dynamics, and Monte Carlo simulations, this accomplishment is now possible. The purpose of this symposium is to fill this gap.

    Likewise the previous IUTAM symposium on Mechanics of Physicochemical and Electrochemical Interactions in Porous Media (2003), our aim is to provide an interdisciplinary forum by bringing together experts from Geomechanics, Biomechanics, Material Science and Colloid Chemistry.

    On the other hand, unlike the scope the previous symposium which mainly concentrated on macroscopic modeling, our main focus is to put together people from both microscopic and macroscopic approaches. Consequently we expect to build-up a fruitful environment capable of providing promising interchanges and discussions among the participants on the intriguing and challenging problems inherent to swelling/shrinking porous media.