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    Semana de 25 de abril a 1º de maio (17ª semana) de 2010


    • 9th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications

    • 8 a 10 de novembro de 2010 – São Paulo
      Fonte: Prof. Paulo Miyagi (USP)

      Special Session Proposal: 8 jun 2010

      Organizing Committee: Alessio B Borelli (IEEE Sul-Brasil); Celso M Furukawa (EPUSP); Daniela Fonseca Leal (Dupont); Fernando Nunes Belchior (UNIFEI); Francisco de Assis S. Neves (UFPE); José Reinaldo Silva (EPUSP); José Sidnei C. Martini (EPUSP);Luiz Carlos de S Marques(UFSM); Marcelo Godoy Simões (CSM); Marcos Ribeiro P Barreto (EPUSP); Nelson M Segoshi (IEEE Sul-Brasil); Newton Maruyama (EPUSP)

      President: José Roberto Cardoso (EPUSP)
      Vice President: Paulo Eigi Miyagi (EPUSP)
      Technical Coordinator: Celso M Furukawa (EPUSP)
      Co-Sponsored by: IEEE South Brazil Section Industry Applications Society
      Organized by: Industry Applications Society
      Supported by: Escola Politécnica da USP Program

      The INDUSCON is an international conference held every two years in Brazil, brought by the South Brazil section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE. The conference covers the fields of interest of the Brazilian Chapter of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, providing a forum for sharing theoretical and practical results related to the applications of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in industry.

      The main topics of the conference include:
      1. Codes and Standards
      2. Energy Systems
      3. Rural Electric Power
      4. Power Systems Protection
      5. Electric Machines
      6. Industrial Drivers
      7. Power Converters
      8. Electronic Power Components and Devices
      9. Appliance Industry
      10. Electrostatic Process
      11. Industrial Automation and Control
      12. Robotics and Mechatronics
      13. Industrial Lighting
      14. Quality of Energy
      15. Smart Grids
      16. Cyber Physical Systems

      Place: Frei Caneca Convention Center
      Rua Frei Caneca, 569, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL

      Special Sessions
      Proposals for special sessions may be submitted to the Organizing Committee. Proposals must include the session title, objectives, a list of 4 to 6 session papers and an email for contact.

      Submit your proposal up to June 8th by email to Celso M. Furukawa (cmfuruka@usp.br)

      Paper submission
      Contributing authors may submit full papers written in Spanish, English or Portuguese, following the instruction available online at www.ieee.org.br/induscon.
      The best papers submitted in English will be forwarded to the publication committee of the IEEE Latin America Transactions for possible publication.

      Simultaneous Conference and Exposition
      The 9th INDUSCON will be held simultaneously with the 2010 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Latin America.
      Both conferences are organizing a huge Exposition with more than 3,000 m2 of area available, to bring together the main institutions of the electrical field of the Latin America, covering from energy generation to large consumers, besides producers of electric equipments and products. For further information about displaying products and services on the Exposition, please check web site of the INDUSCON.

      www.ieee.org.br/induscon e-mail: induscon2010@ieee.org.br Tel: (11) 3091-5537

    • 1ª Jornada de Escoamentos Multifásicos

    • 3 a 7 de maio de 2010 – USP – São Carlos:
      2º Encontro Brasileiro de Ebulição, Condensação e Escoamento Multifásico (2º EBECEM): 3 a 4 de maio de 2010.
      1ª Escola Brasileira de Escoamentos Multifásicos (1ª EBEMs): 5 a 7 de maio de 2010.
      Fonte: Prof. Oscar M.H. Rodriguez (EESC/USP)


    • Dynamics Days South America 2010

    • Prazo para submissão de resumo: até 30 de abril
      Fonte: Prof. Elbert E. N. Macau (INPE)


      This deadline is final!


      July 26-30, 2010
      São José dos Campos – São Paulo – Brazil

      The system is receiving submissions (contributive talks, posters, mini symposia).

      DEADLINE: April, 30th


      The Dynamics Days is a series of major international conferences founded in 1980 aimed at covering the entire field of dynamics and nonlinearity. It has been bringing together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds including physics, biology, engineering, chemistry and mathematics for interdisciplinary research in nonlinear science. The Organization Committee of this Dynamics Days South America 2010 welcomes you to participate of this outstanding event to be held in São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil, from 26 to 30 July, 2010. This is the longest standing and most respected international meeting devoted to the field of dynamics and nonlinearity.



    • Qualis Periódicos – Engenharias III

    • Lista completa da classificação de periódicos feita pela CAPES na área de Engenharias III
      Fonte: Prof. Antônio Silva Neto (Presidente da ABCM)

      Clique aqui para acessar o arquivo