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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 060/07 – ICAS 2008 Call for Papers

    Call for Papers ICAS 2008 Anchorage – Alaska, USA

    The Call for Papers for ICAS 2008 can be downloaded here.

    NOTE: Deadline for abstracts is 31 July 2007.

    ICAS Contact information:
    Anders Gustafsson – Executive Secretary
    ICAS Secretariat
    c/o FOI
    SE-164 90 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
    E-mail: secr.exec@icas.org

    How to submit/upload your abstract

    Please be ready to submit the following:

    • details of the authors and their affiliations
    • an abstract of 2 pages including diagrams and figures as the basis for paper selection. Please note: pdf format
    • a short version of the abstract (about 50 words) to be used in the Congress final programme if accepted
    • the intended ICAS topic area must be specified

    You will below be directed to a virtual author environment operated for ICAS by Optimage, UK, who later will handle also the accepted full papers for the CD-Rom proceedings.

    Please read the information in the Call for Papers and note the following:

    • You will have to select between oral or poster presentation
    • Student papers are encouraged (more info in Call for Papers) – please tick the appropriate box if applicable
    • Authors will informed of acceptance in November 2007
    • Full papers must be delivered by 15 June 2008 for inclusion in the CD-Rom proceedings
    • If you want your paper to be part of ICAS paper review process (optional) please tick the appropriate box on the submission form (read information in Call for Papers)

    Please make sure to have, besides your full abstract (NOTE: PDF file < 1MB), also your personal details and your short abstract (50 words) ready BEFORE commencing submission so that only one submission is made.

    When you have the above material available please proceed via the upload link HERE for further instructions.

    After successful uploading you will receive a confirming E-mail from Optimage with your abstract ID-number (please note this ID-number for future correspondence).