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    “Dear Colleague,

    On behalf of the EUROTHERM Committee, I would like to invite you to submit a paper for the 5th European Thermal Sciences Conference to be held in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, May 18-22, 2008.

    The web page of the conference is available on: http://www.eurotherm2008.tue.nl/. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 October 2007. Enclosed is a flyer containing all relevant data.

    This conference is organized under supervision of EUROTHERM, which was formed in Brussels on 16 October 1986 following an initiative taken at the 8th International Heat Transfer Conference in San Francisco earlier thatyear.


    The aim of this Eurotherm Conference is to promote and foster European cooperation in thermal sciences and heat transfer by bringing together scientists and engineers working in specialized areas.

    The conference topics include, but are not limited to:

    natural, forced and mixed convection
    thermodynamic processes
    heat exchange systems
    two-phase flows


    Avram Bar-Cohen (University of Maryland)
    Gian Piero Celata (ENEA Casaccia, Roma)
    Andreas Dreizler (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
    Perumal Nithiarasu (University of Wales, Swansea)
    Jean Taine (Ecole Centrale Paris)
    Graham de Vahl Davis (University of New South Wales, Sydney)
    Martin Wendland (UniversitSt fYr Bodenkultur, Wien)


    During the conference two mini-symposium will be organised: one by prof. Peter Stephan (TU Darmstadt) on the topic of Micro- and Nano-Scale Heat Transfer and the other by prof. Hans Mueller Steinhagen (Universitat Stuttgart and DLR Stuttgart) on the topic of Thermal Solar Energy. The aim of the symposia is to provide an introduction to researchers new in the field and to stimulate discussions among the more experienced participants.


    Abstracts should be no longer than 2 pages and contain information on research rationale, methodology, results and major conclusions. One page should typically contain relevant graphs and plots.

    Abstracts should be submitted electronically before 1 october 2007 through the Conference web-site: www.Eurotherm2008.tue.nl