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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 091/07 – ITherm 2008: Eleventh Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems

    Call for Abstracts

    ITherm 2008: Eleventh Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems

    Hilton Walt Disney World Resort
    Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA
    May 28 -31, 2008

    ITherm 2008 (http://www.ithermconference.org) is the leading international conference for scientific and engineering exploration of thermal, thermomechanical and emerging technology issues associated with electronic devices, packages, and systems. ITherm 2008 will be held along with the 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2008, http://www.ectc.net), a premier electronic packaging conference, in the Disney Park at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. Based on the success of ITherm 2006, papers will be presented in stand-up and selected topical poster sessions. Poster sessions, which allow a high level of author/audience interaction, will play a major role in this and future ITherm conferences. All papers will be peer reviewed by two or more reviewers, and will be published in the ITherm proceedings. In addition to paper presentations and vendor exhibits, ITherm 2008 will include panel discussions, keynote lectures by prominent speakers, and professional short courses. Original papers are solicited in the general areas of (but not limited to):

    Thermal Management:

    • Novel Materials: Thermal Vias, Heat Spreaders and Thermal Interface Materials
    • Natural and Forced Convection Air Cooling
    • Advances in Compact Air Movers
    • Single Phase Liquid Cooling
    • Novel Phase Change Cooling Techniques: Boiling, Heat Pipes, Thermosyphon, Spray and Jet Impingement
    • Microfabricated Thermal Management Devices and Systems
    • Sub-Ambient Cooling: Solid State, Vapor Compression, Absorption, Adsorption, Thermo-acoustic, Magnetocaloric
    • Thermal Management in Wireless, Networking, Computing, Lighting, Harsh Environments, and Peripheral Hardware.
    • Thermal and Energy Management in Data Centers
    • Three-Dimensional Electronics
    • Advances in Experimental Characterization
    • Advances in Computational Characterization: Multi-Scale Modeling, Compact Modeling, Multi-Physics Modeling, Multi-Objective Design and Optimization


    • Modeling and Simulation for Reliability at Package, Board, and System Levels
    • Failure Mechanics and Damage Modeling
    • Experimental Techniques
    • Constitutive Models
    • Impact, Drop and Vibrational Analysis of Packages, Sub-Systems, and Systems
    • Solder Profile Modeling, Fatigue Mechanics of Packages, Interconnects
    • Materials
      • Design, Synthesis, and Processing of Materials for Thermal/Thermo-Mechanical Management in Electronic Systems
      • Thermo-mechanical Characterization and Modeling of Packaging Materials
      • Material Interfaces: Engineering, Characterization and Simulation

    Emerging Technologies:

    • Sensors (Medical, Military, Consumer, Structures, Diagnostic, etc.)
    • Nanotechnology: Thermal, Mechanics, Material and Process Related Issues in Nanostructures
    • Micro-Fluidics
    • Fiber-Optics Interconnect Systems & Free Space Optical Interconnects
    • MEMS: Device and Package Level Reliability Issues
    • Integrated Biochips and Bioelectronics
    • Medical, Telecommunication, and Automotive Systems
    • Space Systems: Earth Orbiting and Deep-Space Missions

    Panel Discussions:

    • Proposals are solicited for panel discussion topics addressing contemporary issues of broad interest to the ITherm community. These should include a title, an abstract describing the theme(s) to be addressed, and a list of potential panelists.

    Abstract and subsequent paper submissions are entirely web-based, with the following deadlines. Please submit a 400 word text-only (no figures and tables) abstract to ITherm website: http://www.ithermconference.org. The Abstracts will be considered for oral or poster sessions. The authors will be informed regarding the session format (poster or stand up) at the time of abstract acceptance.

    Some important dates:

    Deadline for Submission of Abstracts  ->  August 31, 2007
    Notification of Abstract Acceptance  ->  September 28, 2007
    Draft Paper Submission  ->  December 14, 2007
    Final Paper Web Submission  ->  March 7, 2008

    Direct general inquiries to:

    Dr. Tom Lee
    General Chair, ITherm 2008
    Freescale Semiconductor
    2100 E. Elliot Road, Mail Drop EL725
    Tempe, AZ 85284-1806, USA
    Phone: 480-413-5666
    Email: tom.lee@freescale.com

    Prof. Yogendra Joshi
    Program Chair, ITherm 2008
    G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA 30332
    Phone: 404-385-2810
    Email: yogendra.joshi@me