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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 097/07 – 9th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

    9th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

    Call for Papers
    8-10 September 2008
    Peter Chalk Centre, University of Exeter

    The Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ International conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery is one of the world’s foremost events in the subject area. Since the first conference in this series was held in 1976, this four-yearly meeting has defined and redefined the state-of-the-art in the many aspects of vibration encountered in all forms of rotating machinery. The conference has always been distinguished by the excellent mix of industrial and academic participation achieved. The resulting interactions have made it a unique forum for discussion in which the latest methods of theoretical, experimental and computational rotordynamics are exposed alongside the current issues of concern in the further development of rotating machines. The aim of this conference is to continue to enhance this quality forum and thereby propel forward the standards of excellence in the design and operation of rotating machines.

    The main programme topics:

    Posters and papers in all the traditional areas are welcomed. However, we would like to ensure the broadest possible range of technologies and applications and shall be encouraging special sessions on:

    • Electrical machines
    • Smart machines
    • Micro machines
    • Damping technology
    • Machinery vibration and noise

    Offers of Papers

    Abstracts of potential papers are now invited. These should be no longer than 500 words and they should be submitted electronically to l_rist@imeche.org on or before Monday 1 October 2007. Authors will be advised of provisional acceptance of their papers by Monday 1 November 2007 and will be asked to provide complete draft manuscripts (also electronically) by Monday 14 January 2008. These manuscripts will be reviewed thoroughly and recommendations returned to the authors by Tuesday 1 April 2008. Final acceptance of the papers will be based on satisfactory responses to the recommendations and submission of final manuscripts (up to 4000 words in length) by Friday 16 May 2008.

    The presenting author of each paper will be entitled to a substantial reduction in the registration fee and it is the Institution’s policy that no speakers will be reimbursed any travel or accommodation expenses. All papers will be published in a hard- bound volume available to all conference delegates. Authors are expected to attend the conference to present their work. In addition to the benefit of having a paper published in the conference proceedings, authors have the opportunity to submit their work to a Professional Engineering Publishing (PEP) journal. Work submitted to PEP must be an extension of the paper submitted to the conference and be completely original and innovative. Full details of the criteria, guidelines and journal scopes are available on the PEP website at www.pepublishing.com. Please note this is optional and not a requirement for conference papers.

    Presentation of accepted papers at the conference will be by short oral talks or in poster sessions and authors are invited to indicate their preference when submitting the final paper. The organising committee prefer to have as many plenary sessions (and as few parallel sessions) as possible together with a number of plenary sessions for spoken and poster presentations. In general, the more specialist papers – which are usually of considerable interest to a relatively small number of delegates – can enjoy a more effective communication via posters while the more general papers are best suited to plenary session presentations. The final programme will seek to maximise the benefits and preferences of the authors.

    Prizes will be awarded to the best:

    • Written paper
    • Poster presentation
    • Oral presentation
    • Student contribution

    Authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts with full contact details electronically to Lisa Rist by email to: l_rist@imeche.org


    Exhibition and Sponsorship: Promotional Opportunities

    The exhibition will provide an opportunity for companies to promote their latest products and services to a targeted audience of delegates. There is also the opportunity to further enhance your company profile by supporting one of many aspects of the event available for sponsorship.

    For further information please contact:

    Abhinav Saksena
    Institution of Mechanical Engineers
    1 Birdcage Walk
    Tel: +44 (0)20 7973 1303
    Fax: +44 (0)20 7973 0182
    Email: a_saksena@imeche.org

    Conference Enquiries:

    Lisa Rist
    Institution of Mechanical Engineers
    1 Birdcage Walk
    Tel: +44 (0)20 7973 1242
    Fax: +44 (0)20 7222 9881
    Email: l_rist@imeche.org

    Organising Committee

    Professor D Ewins, Imperial College London (Chairman), UK

    Dr P Bonello, University of Manchester, UK

    Professor M Brennan, University of Southampton, UK Professor C Fox, University of Nottingham, UK

    Professor S Garvey, University of Nottingham, UK Professor G Jacquet, INSA Lyon, France

    Professor Patrick Keogh, University of Bath, UK Professor A Lees, University of Wales Swansea, UK

    Professor A Nandi, University of Liverpool, UK

    Professor R Nordmann, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

    Professor R Wood, University of Southampton, UK

    International Scientific Committee

    Currently being confirmed and so far including:

    Professor N Bachschmid, Polytecnico di Milano, Italy

    Professor A El-Shafei, RITEC, Egypt

    Professor E Hahn, University of New South Wales, Australia

    Professor G Kirk, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA

    Professor C W Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea

    Professor K Lucchesi Cavalca, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil

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