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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 106/07 – Call for Papers do ECOS2008

    21st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

    AGH University of Science & Technology, Kraków, POLAND SUT Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, POLAND June 24 – 27, 2008

    Development and Application of Methods

    • Basic and Applied Thermodynamics
    • Thermo-economics
    • Simulation, Improvement and Optimization of Energy Systems
    • Sustainability of Energy Systems
    • Process Analysis, Design, Synthesis and Integration
    • Renewable Energy Conversion and Use
    • Zero-Emission Technologies and Strategies
    • Diagnostics and Control of Energy Systems
    • Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems
    • Energy Markets

    Conference web site / email www.ecos2008.polsl.pl papersecos2008@polsl.pl


    Oct. 31, 2007 Submission of abstracts Nov. 30, 2007 Acceptance of abstracts Jan. 31, 2008 Submission of full-length papers for review

    Relevant Physical Systems:

    • Conventional and Advanced Power Plants
    • Internal Combustion Engines
    • Cogeneration and District Heating
    • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
    • Heat Pumps
    • Fuel Cells and Integrated Systems
    • Renewable Energy Systems
    • Industrial Process Plants
    • Thermal Energy Storage
    • Natural Gas Technology
    • Hydrogen Technology
    • CO2 Capture and Sequestration
    • Water Desalination and Treatment

    Registration Fees
    € 450 (students € 200) by April 25, 2008
    € 500 (students € 250) after April 25, 2008
    Accompanying persons € 200

    Conference Chairmen
    Prof. Zygmunt Kolenda
    AGH Krakow
    Phone: (48 12) 617 26 92
    Fax.: (48 12) 617 26 85
    Email: kolenda@agh.edu.pl

    Prof. Andrzej Ziebik
    SUT Gliwice
    Phone: (48 32) 237 10 49
    Fax.: (48 32) 237 28 72
    Email: ziebik@itc.polsl.pl

    Conference location
    AGH University of Science and Technology Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

    The official language of the conference is English

    Co- Chairmen
    M. J. Moran (USA) G. Tsatsaronis (Germany)

    Advisory Board
    AGH University of Science and Technology Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

    The official language of the conference is English

    Ö. Arnas (USA)
    S. de Oliveira (Brazil) R. Bialecki (Poland) E. Sciubba (Italy)
    C. A. Frangopoulos (Greece)
    M. R. von Spakovsky (USA)
    N. Lior (USA)
    J. Szmyd (Poland)
    A. Mirandola (Italy)
    A. Valero (Spain)

    Abstracts Authors are invited to submit a 300-500 word abstract which clearly states the objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The abstract should include complete contact details: corresponding author, mailing address, telephone and fax number, e-mail address. The abstract should be send to the email address: papers-ecos2008@polsl.pl

    Visit ECOS 2008 website for further information on manuscript preparation, registration, conference program, accommodation, excursions and special programs.