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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 132/07 – Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences (ICNPAA 2008)

    The International Advisory Committee of the ICNPAA 2008 (Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences), is pleased to announce that its web-site http://www.icnpaa.com is now open for submitting abstract.

    The Conference is going to be held at the University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy , June 25-27, 2008.

    Abstract (one paragraph) may be submitted by March 15,2008.

    Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.

    Program Scope:
    Conference sponsors seek a spectrum of theoretical, computational, and experimental inquiries concerned with Mathematical Problems in Engineering and Aerospace Science. This program will include keynote addresses, invited lectures, and contributed lectures, and will involve communication with remote sites.

    AREAS OF INTEREST: (Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:)
    Aerospace Engineering
    Bio Medical Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Control & Computer Engineering
    Electrical+ Electronic Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Nuclear Engineering
    Transportation Engineering

    For more details pleased visit the web site : http://www.icnpaa.com or contact Luiz Carlos Gadelha de Souza : lcgadelha@gmail.com .

    We look forward to seeing you in Genoa in June 2008.

    ICNPAA 2008 Organizing Committee