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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 088/08 –– 6th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer

    First Call for Papers
    6th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer
    Guangzhou, China, May 18-21, 2009

    Guangzhou is located in south China about 120 Km from Hong Kong (about an hour by train).

    Conference History:

    1999 – Cyprus,
    2001 – Rio de Janeiro; Brazil
    2003 – Banff ; Canada
    2005 – Paris ; France
    2007 – Canmore, Canada
    2009 – Guangzhou, China


    Computational techniques and methods are evolutionary field from macroscopic-level to nano-level, using continuum and discrete mechanics. It is necessary for scientist and engineers to come together every two years in a relaxed environment to discuss new ideas and developments in the area of computational methods and applications. Also, it is good opportunity for new scientist and engineer to explore the art of computational methods.

    Contact information:

    International Chair
    Prof. A. A. Mohamad
    Dept. of Mechanical and Manuf. Engineering
    Schulich School of Engineering
    The University of Calgary
    Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4,
    Canada Email:

    Local Chair
    Prof. F. Lan, Dean of Mech. and Vehicle Engineering
    South China University of Technology
    Guangzhou, China

    Co-Chair: Prof. K. Nandakumar
    Petroleum Institute
    Guangzhou, China

    Scientific Secretary: Prof. S. Huang The South China University of Technology, Abu Dhabi

    Website: http://www.enme.ucalgary.ca/conferences/6icchmt09

    International/National Scientific Committee

    Alexander J. I. D., Case Western Reserve University, USA Al-Nimr, M. A., Univ. of Science and Technology, Jordon Bayazitoglu, Y., Rice University, USA
    Benim, A. C., Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany
    Bontoux, P., MSNM, les universités d’Aix Marseille, France
    Brenner, G., Inst. Applied Mechanics, Technical Univ. Clausthal, Germany Chai, J. C., School of Mech. & Aero. Eng., Nanyang Tech. Univ. Singapore Chen, C. J., Florida State Unvi., USA
    Cheng, P., Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
    Cheng, P. – Hong Kong Univ. Science and Technology, Hong Kong
    Costa, V., University of Aveiro, Portugal
    Cotta, R., ME COPPE UFRJ, Brazil
    Cruchaga, M., Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
    De Lemos, M., Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Brazil Dulikravich, G. S., University of Texas at Arlington, USA El Ganaoui, M., Univ. of Limoges, France
    Fue-Sang Lien, University of Waterloo, Canada Hamed, M. S., McMaster University, Canada Liu H., University of Miami, USA
    Luo, L-S, Old Dominion Univ., USA Ingham, D. B., University of Leeds, UK
    Jaw, S. J., National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, shjaw@na.ntou.edu.tw
    Jiang, L., SRO GTL IAR NRCC, Canada Kakac, S., University of Miami, USA Karim, G., University of Calgary, Canada Kim, S. J., KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
    Li, D., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt University, USA Menguc, M.P., University of Kentucky, USA
    Merlen, A., Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France
    Mojtabi, K., IMFT, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse, France
    Oechsner, A., University of Aveiro, Portugal
    Pop, I., University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Saeid, N., Univ.of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia
    Sunden, B., Lund University, Sweden
    Succi, S., Research Director, Istituto Applicazioni Calcolo, Italy
    Suzuki, K., Kyoto University, Japan
    Shyy, W., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Vasseur, P., Ecole polytechnique de Montréal, Canada Viskanta, R., Purdue University, USA
    Wang, G., Beijing Inst. Of Tech., China
    Yamamoto, K.,Nagoya University, Japan
    Yang, Wen-Jei, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Younis, L. B., SNC.LAVALIN, Calgary, Canada

    Important Dates

    Due date for abstract submission: June 15, 2008
    Abstract acceptance notification: July 15, 2008
    Full paper submission: November 15, 2008
    Full paper acceptance notification: December 30, 2008
    Please use official email of the conference for communications:
    Email: ICCHMT@gmail.com