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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 117/08 – 7th International Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers

    General Announcement and Call for Papers Deadline: December 31, 2008
    Seventh International Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: From Microscale Phenomena to Industrial Applications
    San Jose, Costa Rica
    September 14-18, 2009

    For more information, click here


    R.K. Shah, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India


    M. Ishizuka, Toyama Prefectural University, Toyama, Japan
    A.M. Jacobi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
    V.V. Wadekar, HTFS, Aspen Technology Ltd, Reading, UK

    Conference Theme

    The conference focuses on promoting the engineering development and application of enhanced, compact, and ultra-compact heat exchanger technology, on the basis of a clear understanding of the underlying mesoscale and microscale physics of heat transfer and fluid flow phenomena. Thus, the conference theme spans a wide spectrum of topics from the investigation of microscale science to industrial applications of this important class of heat exchange equipment which can provide cost effective solutions to complex contemporary heat transfer challenges in a way that serves the energy and sustainability needs of society.

    Conference Objectives

    1. To provide a forum for discussion of novel applications of enhanced, compact, and ultra-compact heat exchangers for automotive, process (e.g., refining, chemical), electronics cooling, fuel cells, power conversion, air-conditioning and refrigeration, aerospace, and other industrial applications.
    2. To provide a forum for dissemination of the latest advances in microscale heat transfer leading to better understanding and modeling of enhanced and compact heat exchangers
    3. To identify present applications of advanced heat exchanger technology in traditional and emerging industrial applications, evaluating the benefits and drawbacks; and to identify further areas where such advanced technology could be used.
    4. To identify barriers, both real and perceived, to wider applications of advanced heat exchanger technology, and to identify areas where further research is needed.
    5. To identify actions which can be taken by the various parties and disciplines to overcome these barriers and to provide communication channels between academic and industrial segments of the technical community.

    Technical Sessions

    Single-phase Flows

    Fundamental Studies of Single-phase Flow and Heat Transfer

    Single-Phase Heat Transfer Enhancement – Shell-and-Tube, Plate-Fin, Tube-Fin, Primary Surface and Other Advanced

    Heat Exchangers

    Micro-channel Flow, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop

    High-Temperature and Low-Temperature Heat Exchangers

    Single-Phase Heat Exchanger Development and Applications

    Multi-phase Flows

    Fundamental Studies of Condensation Enhancement Studies in Condensation Condensation Heat Exchanger Applications Fundamental Studies of Boiling and Vaporization

    Boiling and Vaporization Heat Exchanger Developments Boiling and Vaporization Heat Exchanger Applications Enhancement Studies in Boiling and Vaporization Boiling and Condensation in Microchannels

    Other Multi-phase Flows: Nano-fluids, Slurries, Micro-phase-change materials, mixture of fluids, and

    Other Emerging and Novel Fluids

    Design, Construction, Characterization and Operation

    Recent Developments in Heat Exchanger Design and Construction

    Heat Exchanger Design Data

    Micro-scale Heat Exchanger Studies and Application

    Measurement Techniques for Heat Exchangers – Single-phase and Multi-phase Applications

    Computational Techniques for Heat Exchangers – Single-phase and Multi-phase Applications

    Data Reduction and Representation for Heat Exchangers – Single-phase and Multi-phase Applications Fouling Studies and Remedial/Minimization Techniques – Single-phase and Multi-phase Applications Cost Effective HX Designs for Low Volume Production, and High Durability and Reliability.


    October 27, 2008 An electronic copy of the abstracts (no longer than 1000 words) to be sent to the Regional Scientific Committee member or the Co-Chair; the authors will then be notified of the abstract acceptance within a few days. Authors who would like to make a presentation without submission/publication should also send an abstract so that it can be arranged in the Open Forum session.

    December 31, 2008 Full manuscript prepared electronically in the specific format to be sent to the Scientific Committee members.

    February 23, 2009 Notification of the manuscript acceptance and the reviews to be sent to authors.

    March 4, 2009 Complete author-prepared electronic version of the paper both in Word and pdf format to be sent to

    Regional Scientific Committee members.

    Language: The official language of the Conference will be English.

    For more information, click here