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    Semana de 10 a 16 de Outubro (41ª semana) de 2010


    • ICoVP-2011

    • 5 a 8 de Setembro de 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
      Fonte:Profª. Kátia Lucchesi Cavalca (UNICAMP)

      10th biennial International Conference on Vibration Problems

      Purpose of ICOVP-2011 is to bring together scientists with different backgrounds, actively working on vibration-related problems of engineering both in theoretical and applied fields.
      Papers will be accepted for either oral or poster presentation in the following research areas:

      • Mathematical Modeling in Sound and Vibration Analysis
      • Experimental Techniques in Vibrations, Signal Processing and Analysis
      • Wave Problems in Solid Mechanics
      • Flow-induced vibrations. Fluid-structure interaction. Vibroacoustics, Aeroelasticity.
      • Vibration Problems in Structural Dynamics, Damage Mechanics and Composite Materials
      • Analysis of the Non-Linear Deterministic / Stochastic Vibrations Phenomena
      • Vibrations of Transport Systems
      • Computational Methods in Vibration Problems
      • Vibration Problems in Earthquake Engineering, Vibration of Granular Materials
      • Active Vibration Control
      • Vibration Problems Related to Biomechanics
      • Modeling and Identification of Linear Dynamical Systems
      • Dynamics of Rotating Systems
      • Vibrations and Stability Behaviour of Slender Structures
      • Vibrations applications in vibrator machines, vibration transport of different media

      Other topics concerned with vibration problems are also open as well. All of the lectures will be carefully reviewed by the International Scientific Committee and proceedings will be published in Springer Proceedings in Physics as in previous years.

      Keynote Lectures:
      Jan Awrejcewicz, Technical University of Lódz
      John E. Mottershead, University of Liverpool
      Ali Nayfeh, Virginia Tech

      Authors wishing to participate to ICOVP 2011, whether as contributors to the scientific programme or colleagues who intend to be visitors only, are requested to create an account on the conference web site.
      In order to create an account, please:
      1. Go to: http://www.icovp.org;
      2. Go to: My Account and fill the form. Your password will be send to your e-mail and your personal folder will be created just after your registration;
      3. Use Login and your password at your next visits then go to My Account and edit or copy an abstract or amend your data at your discretion.

      The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 31 December 2010.
      Technical University of Liberec,
      Dpt. of Applied Mechanics,
      Studentska 2,
      46117 Liberec,
      Czech Republic

      Phone: +420 485 354 104
      Fax: +420 485 354 160

      Organizing Committee
      Iva Petríkova, Conference Chairperson, Technical University of Liberec
      Bohdana Marvalova, Technical University of Liberec
      Lukáš Capek, Technical University of Liberec
      Michal Sivcák, Technical University of Liberec
      Bela Cerna, Conference Secretary, bela.cerna@tul.cz
      The Conference will be held in Prague in the campus of Czech Technical University (CVUT), which is located close to the City Centre that can be reached by public transport within less than 15 minutes. Prague the capital of Czech Republic is well-known as tourist magnet due to its many unique historic monuments (Old Town, Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, old Jewish quarter with Old Jewish Cemetery and Old New Synagogue, art galleries and magnificent spots along the river Vltava). The Technical University of Liberec invites scientists from Europe and overseas to share scientific and other knowledge.



    • Concurso Público para Contratação de Docentes Doutores – DEM/FEB/UNESP

    • Inscrições: até 02/11/2010
      Fonte: Prof.Bento Rodrigues de Pontes Junior (UNESP)

      Abertura de Inscrição em Concurso Público para Contratação de Docentes Doutores (2 vagas) – DEM/FEB/UNESP-Bauru

      Linha de Pesquisa: “Projeto Mecânico e Mecânica dos Sólidos”

      Condições para inscrição: Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica ou Eng. Aeronáutica ou Eng. Mecatrônica.

      Mais informações: www.feb.unesp.br/rh/concursos.php.



    • Palestras da Jornada de Escoamentos Multifásicos – JEM 2010

    • Fonte: Secretaria da ABCM

      As Palestras da Jornada de Escoamentos Multifásicos – JEM 2010, realizada entre 3 e 7 de maio de 2010 e organizada pela USP – São Carlos, estão disponíveis no link: http://www.abcm.org.br/jem2010/palestras.shtml