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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 145/08 – International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT)

    April 26 – 1 May, 2009
    Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia

    The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT), is pleased to announce CONV-09, an international symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Sustainable Energy, taking place in Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, during 26 April – 1 May, 2009.


    A wide range of topics related to classical and emerging areas of convective heat and mass transfer applications will be covered, including:

    • Computational methods in fluid flow and heat transfer
    • Experimental methods of characterization and metrology in convective heat transfer problems
    • Enhancement of heat exchangers
    • Solar heating and cooling
    • Fluid mechanics and turbulence in wind power
    • Cooling of fuel cells
    • Micro and nano scale convective heat and mass transfer
    • Unsteadiness and transients in convective heat and mass transfer
    • Instabilities
    • Imaging, flow visualization and data analysis
    • Boiling, condensation, two-phase flows
    • Mass transfer, pollutant dispersion
    • Interaction of convection with conduction, radiation, and chemical kinetics
    • Thermo-solutal convection


    The conference will be held at five-star El Mouradi Hotel, situated in the tourist area of Yasmine Hammamet, 4 km from the city of Hammamet and 55 km from Tunis. This hotel has an excellent location. It includes several services and numerous sport activities.

    Reservation at the hotel should be made using the reservation form on the Symposium website. The room charges per day, including taxes, open-buffet breakfast and dinner will be :
    * Single : 70 US$
    * Double : 100 US$


    There will be oral and poster presentations of contributed papers in each session. All contributed papers will be evaluated and accepted for presentation based on 3 to 4 pages of extended abstracts. Final decision concerning oral versus poster will be made according to author’s selection and session topics. The oral presentations will be chosen to highlight a specific subject within a session theme, and not necessarily for their scientific quality. The number of oral presentations will therefore be more limited in number to provide more time for posters.

    Authors may also present their most recent work, or work in progress, as a poster without having to write a paper. There will be a special session for recent-work posters.

    Keynote lecture abstracts, extended paper abstracts and recent-work poster abstracts, will be included in a book which will be available on site. All keynote lectures and full papers will be published by Begell House Inc. in a Proceedings volume and will be available in the form of a CD-ROM. The papers will also be published online in Begell House’s Electronic Data Center. A sample extended abstract and full-text paper in the required format and further information can be found on this Web site.


    Oct. 31, 2008 3 to 4 pages extended abstracts
    Dec. 15, 2008 Notification of acceptance
    Feb. 13, 2009 Final copies of extended abstracts
    Feb. 13, 2009 Full paper submission
    Mar. 01, 2009 Abstracts of recent work posters
    Mar. 15, 2009 Early registration


    Emeritus Prof.Dr. Jacques PADET, University of Reims, France
    Prof.Dr. Sadik KAKAÇ, TOBB University, Turkey

    Dr. Mourad REBAY, University of Reims, France

    Prof.Dr. Rejeb BEN MAAD, University of Tunis-ElManar, Tunisia

    Committee Members
    Nadim El Wakil, University of Reims, France
    Mohammed Lachi, University of Reims, France
    Ton Hoang Mai, University of Reims, France
    Chadi Maalouf, University of Reims, France
    Mahmoud Hammami, University of Tunis-ElManar, Tunisia
    Sadok Gallouz, ENIM, Monastir, Tunisia
    Sami Kooli, CRTEn, Borj Cédria, Tunisia
    Mourad Bouterra, University of Tunis-ElManar, Tunisia
    Jamil Zinoubi, University of Tunis-ElManar, Tunisia
    Afif Elcafsi, University of Tunis-ElManar, Tunisia


    The fees for both delegates and students cover participation in all technichal sessions, a welcome reception, a book of keynote lectures and extended abstracts, CD-ROM proceedings, coffee breaks and Symposium Gala Dinner. The fee for accompanying persons cover the cost of welcome reception and gala dinner. Please fill in and send the Registration Form (doc, pdf) to ICHMT Secretariat.

    In case of cancellation after payment of the Registration Fee, a cancellation charge of 50 US$ will be deducted and the balance refunded.

    Delegates :
    550 US$ (before March 15th, 2009)
    650 US$ (after March 15th, 2009)
    750 US$ (on site)

    Students (subject to proof of status):
    150 US$ (before March 15th, 2009)
    200 US$ (after March 15th, 2009)

    Accompanying persons: 60 US$


    Dr. Mourad Rebay
    Laboratoire GRESPI – Thermomécanique
    Faculté des Sciences, BP 1039
    51687 Reims, France
    Phone: +33-3-26913448
    Fax: +33-3-26913250
    E-mail: mourad.rebay@univ-reims.fr