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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 168/08 – Short Course Real-Time Reliable Simulations for Heat Transfer and Continuum Mechanics: Educational Applications

    Short Course — Offered 14–16 June 2009

    Real-Time Reliable Simulations for Heat Transfer and Continuum Mechanics: Educational Applications

    AT Patera
    Ford Professor of Engineering
    MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering

    NC Nguyen
    Research Scientist
    MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics & Department of Mechanical Engineering

    This course is offered by the Professional Institute under the auspices of MIT’s Professional Education Programs and will be held on the MIT campus June 14–16, 2009.

    In this course we will describe, illustrate, and exercise methods and software for real-time reliable solution of heat transfer and continuum mechanics problems for application in education.

    The course time will be divided into roughly three parts:

    • description and illustration of the underlying certified reduced basis methodology;
    • description and illustration of the associated rbMIT software; and
    • exercise of the rbMIT software in hands-on sessions.

    Participants will learn to use and develop “worked problems” for in-lecture demonstrations (e.g., to visualize fields), homework assignments (e.g., to compare exact and approximate approaches), and semester projects (e.g., to optimize or design systems).

    We provide on our website further information on the methodology and the rbMIT © MIT software, as well as examples of worked problems.

    The rbMIT © MIT software, which works within Matlab® (optionally COMSOL Multiphysics®), is free for academic use. The package is simple to use: the user provides a high-level problem definition .m file; the software then performs all reduced basis procedures automatically to yield the necessary data and codes for Online real-time response. Automatic publication utilities are also provided.

    Outras informações sobre este curso podem ser encontradas em http://augustine.mit.edu/shortCourse09Advertisement.htm