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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 02/09 – IFAC WG on Fractional differentiation – First newsletter

    Working group on fractional derivative and fractional systems

    January 2009

    Why such a newsletter

    During Technical Committee “Linear Control Systems” meeting held in Seoul during the last IFAC world congress (July 6th-11th, 2008), a working groups on Fractional Differentiation and Fractional Order Systems, led by Jocelyn Sabatier, was recognized (Linear Control System technical committee is managed by Prof Luc Dugard and is included in Design Methods IFAC technical area http://www.ifac-control.org/areas/). The goal of this working group is:

    - to promote the activities on fractional order systems all over the world (through special sessions in IFAC events or not IFAC events, special issues in journals, summer schools, books, …);
    – to encourage researchers meetings;
    – to have specific actions aiming at the development of new results.

    This working group is a new proof of the interest of the IFAC federation for the fractional order systems community. This information was given during the last IFAC workshop on Fractional Differentiation on its Application (FDA’08) held in Ankara (November 5th-7th, 2008) and to enhance the efficiency of this group and to organize it, it was decided to create a board that will manage and synchronize its activities. Members of this board are (in alphabetic order)

    Prof. Dumitru Baleanu (Turkey), Prof. Raoul Nigmatullin (Russia), Prof. Riccardo Caponneto (Italy), Prof. Igor Podlubny (Slovak Republic), Prof. YangQuan Chen (USA), Dr. Jocelyn Sabatier (France), Prof. Wen Chen (China), Prof. José Tenreiro Machado (Portugal), Prof. Richard Magin (USA) , Prof. Blas Vinagre (Spain).

    This newletter is thus one of the actions we propose to maintain a link in our community. It will be sent every 3 month and will be dedicated to:

    - forthcoming events announcement
    – major published results (abstract) announcement
    – special focus on the activities of a group or a colleague

    This newsletter is of course open to any body in the field.


    National group activities

    The working group board

    The fractional dynamics research group in Nanjing, China, has recently created the following website, called “Power Law & Fractional Dynamics” http://www.ismm.ac.cn/ismmlink/PLFD/index.html

    The website collects the people, group, news, journals related to the study and research of fractional dynamics. Your any suggestions and advices are highly appreciated.

    Forthcoming events

    Professor Wen Chen chenwen@hhu.edu.cn

    A symposium on “Numerical Methods for Governing Equations including Fractional Derivatives” at ICCES09, Phuket, Thailand, 8-13 April 2009

    The above “numerical fractional derivative equation” symposium is going to be held in association with the ICCES09. Phuket, the conference site, is the most famous tourist attraction in Thailand and also well known in the world. This is a wonderful opportunity to be there.

    I invite you to submit very brief abstracts (or, at your option, 6-page extended summaries, which will appear in the online journal, ICCES), directly at: http://submission.techscience.com/icces09

    Please note that you need to input the right choice of symposium in your online registration, since there are quite a few of parallel symposiums to be held with this conference.

    If you paper is the first publications of original research and you clearly indicate your presentation in the conference, you may also submit your paper for review and publication in the journal CMES (SCI indexed, ISI impact factor above 2) directly at the website: http://submission.techscience.com/cmes

    All papers accepted through the peer review will be published in a special issue of this highly-regarded journal on numerical methods for fractional derivative equations. In addition, we will also organize one more special issue of our symposium papers in another SCI-indexed journal.

    I am looking forward to get your early response of interest with the paper title and author information.

    ASME-DETC 09
    Professor Wen Chen chenwen@hhu.edu.cn

    Three events dedicated to fractional differentiation and their applications will be organised in the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) that will be held in San Diego, California on August 30 – September 2, 2009 (http://www.asmeconferences.org/IDETC09/)

    The first two are included in the 7th ASME International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control (MSNDC)”.These two events are the two symposia:

    MSNDC-9: Classic and Fractional Dynamics on Continuous and Discontinuous Vector Fields organized by Prof. Albert Luo : aluo@siue.edu, Prof J. A. Tenreiro Machado : jtm@dee.isep.ipp.pt

    MSNDC-13: Fractional Derivatives and Their Applications organized by Prof. Om Prakash Agrawal: om@engr.siu.edu, Prof. Dumitru Baleanu: dumitru@cankaya.edu.tr, Dr. YangQuan Chen: yqchen@ece.usu.edu, Dr. Jocelyn Sabatier: jocelyn.sabatier@u-bordeaux1.fr Prof. Blas M. Vinagre: bvinagre@unex.es

    The third one is also a symposium and is included in the 22nd Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB): VIB-9: Fractional Models of Viscoelasticity in Biological Tissues and Other Complex Materials organised by Prof. Thomas J. Royston: troyston@uic.edu, Prof Richard L. Magin: rmagin@uic.edu

    These three events, that will not be scheduled in the same time, enable a wider participation of colleagues out of the field. We thus invite you to submit papers in the three symposia at (http://www.asmeconferences.org/IDETC09/)

    The submission deadline is for these three events is February 27th, 2009

    A tutorial session at ACC 2009

    A 2 hours Tutorial Session on Applied fractional calculus in control is scheduled at the next American Control Conference ACC’2009, June 10-12, 2009, http://www.a2c2.org/conferences/acc2009/. This session is organised by Prof. YangQuan Chen. Details on this session can be found at http://fractionalcalculus.googlepages.com/ 2009ACC_0590_MS-proposal.pdf

    Prof. YangQuan Chen.

    If you want to participate in the working group activities and receive the newsletter please contact: jocelyn.sabatier@u-bordeaux1.fr