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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 84/09 –The Ninth International Conferene on Multaxial Fatigue & Fracture

    Conference Announcement and First Call for Papers

    Parma (Italy), 7 -10 June, 2010
    Website: http://www.ICMFF9.unipr.it

    The Ninth International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture


    The aim of this conference is not only to display the substantial international progress achieved but also to illustrate how to apply researchresults to industrial practice and how to close the gap between design and manufacturing engineers and scientists.

    Despite increased efforts in understanding of multiaxial fatigue and fracture behaviour, failure assessment procedures are now becoming more complex. Therefore, it is essential to review the progress viaaforumthatincludesexperimentalists, theoreticians,industrialpractitioners and academic experts.

    Special Issues of International Journals with extended versions of selected papers presented at ICMFF9 will be published after the Conference:
    International Journal of Fatigue
    Special Issue on Multiaxial Fatigue
    Engineering Fracture Mechanics
    Special Issue on Multiaxial Fracture

    Main topics of the Conference

    Members of different industrial laboratoriesand scientistsfromallovertheworldareinvitedto contribute with presentations on any of the following topics:

    1. Loading
    Constant amplitude (LCF, MCF,HCF); Variable amplitude and damage accumulation; Gigacycle fatigue; Thermal fatigue and creep; Contact fatigue; Proportional and non-proportional loading

    2. Fracture Mechanics
    Initiation andshortcrackgrowth; Mixedmodebe- haviour; Multiaxialfracture

    3. Materials
    Metallic; Non-metallic; Defects and inhomogenei- ties; Constitutive modelling; Damagemechanics

    4. Testing and Applications
    Design (not ches and stress concentrations); Joined structures; Residual stresses;Case studies;Virtual simulation; Experimental verification

    Submission of Papers

    Experts in the fields mentioned in this leaflet are kindly requested to submit an abstract (one A4 page maximum, only in PDF format, size lower than 1 Mb) to:

    Professor Andrea Carpinteri Dept of Civil Engineering University of Parma
    Viale G.P.Usberti,181/A
    43100 Parma, ITALY Fax: +39 0521 905924
    E-mail: andrea.carpinteri@unipr.it

    by 25th October, 2009

    The abstractshould contain:
    – Title ofthe paper
    – Authors (full address of the company, Fax number, e-mail,personal titles ofthe corresponding authorand theco-authors)
    – Statementofcontents andmain points

    The Scientific Committee will decide whether to accept the abstract. It should clearly emphasize the principal scientifical, technical, economical and practical aspects of the intendedpaper.

    Abstracts 25 Oct. 2009
    Abstract acceptance 15 Dec.2009
    Camera-ready papers 15 Feb. 2010

    Sponsorship is invited to support thisevent. Please contact Professor Andrea Spagnoli: spagnoli@unipr.it

    Companies interested in presenting their products, processes and achievements relating to the subject and in offering personal consultancy will have the opportunity to do so in the exhibition which will be held parallel to the Conference. Please contact Professor Andrea Spagnoli : spagnoli@unipr.it

    Scientific Committee
    F.P. Brennan, Cranfield T. Palin-Luc, Talence
    JaimeDominguez,Seville A. Pineau, Evry
    M. de Freitas, Lisbon M. Sakane, Kusatsu
    F. Ellyin, Vancouver A.Shanyavskiy,Moscow
    A. Fatemi, Toledo S. Shukayev, Kiev
    G. Glinka, Waterloo M. Skorupa, Cracow F. Iacoviello, Cassino D. Socie, Urbana M.N.James, Plymouth A. Spagnoli, Parma
    P.Lazzarin,Padua S. Stefanov, Sofia
    J.Liu,Shanghai R. Sunder, Bangalore
    E.Macha,Opole K. Tanaka, Nagoya
    G.Marquis,Helsinki D. Taylor, Dublin
    Y.Murakami,Fukuoka M.Vormwald,Darmstadt
    A.Navarro,Seville J.R. Yates, Sheffield
    J.C.Newman,Mississippi H.Zenner,Dresden

    Conference Chairmen

    Andrea Carpinteri, Parma

    Les P. Pook, London


    Conference venue

    Parma is a cosy and pleasant medium sized city in the north of Italy. It is situated between Milan and Bologna,and has good air and rail links. It is an arts and science centre, which combines tradition with a modern approach. Parma has a strong cultural heritage.The basisof the Scuola Palatina was founded in Parma in 781 A.D., during a meeting between Charlemagne and the Irish monk Alcuin. The University of Parma is very ancient, it was founded about one thousand ago: with the Decree of March 962, Emperor Otto I conferred to the Bishop Uberto the right to ordain the notaries who could conduct their activities all over the Empire. Parma is the birthplace of the great composer Giuseppe Verdi and of other well- known Italian artists. It is a wonderful tourist centre, with many monuments, churches, museums and concert halls. Its best known local products are Parma Ham and Parmesan Cheese. The climate is fine,with a day time temperature in June of about 24°C. Conference language: English