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    Semana de 24 a 30 de Abril (17ª semana) de 2011



    • CILAMCE XXXII (Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering) Invitation to participate in the Mini-Symposium Advanced Modeling on Computational Fluid Dynamics

    • 13 a 16 de Novembro de 2011-Ouro Preto/MG
      Fonte: Prof. Paulo Roberto Maciel Lyra (UFPE)

      Dear Friends,

      We are inviting you to participate in the Mini-Symposium

      Title: Advanced Modeling on Computational Fluid Dynamics

      Organizers: Paulo R. M. Lyra; Paulo A. B. de Sampaio and Regina C. C. Almeida

      Objectives: The mini-symposium is dedicated to the discussion of recent developments and applications in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and related disciplines. The goal is to bring together researchers, students and professionals in the field of CFD and related areas. The areas of interest range from the mathematical and computational methods to the modeling and simulation of challenging applications.

      The event will be hosted by the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering and the Graduate Program in Mine Engineering of Federal University of Ouro Preto and Promoted by ABMEC (Brazilian Association on Computer Methods in Engineering).

      Please take a look at the homepage ( http://www.acquacon.com.br/cilamce2011/en/ ) to find updated information about the Conference.

      Call for Papers

      One page abstracts are invited by May 31th, 2011.

      The abstract must contain: Title, authors, addresses, corresponding author´s e-mail and the name of the associated mini-symposium. The authors should also indicate the preferred format for the presentation, oral or panel, which might be changed by the Scientific Committee

      For details about formats and the submission procedure, please visit the conference website (http://www.acquacon.com.br/cilamce2011/en/)

      The official languages of the conference are English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Papers and presentations in any official language are welcome. No simultaneous translations will be provided.

      Authors are encouraged to write and present their papers in English.

      We look forward to seeing you in Ouro Preto!


      Paulo R. M. Lyra; Paulo A. B. de Sampaio and Regina C. C. Almeida




    • Seminário em Engenharia Mecânica Arthur Palmeira Ripper Neto PEM/COPPE & DEM/POLI – UFRJ

    • Fonte: Prof. Fernando Duda (UFRJ)


      Título: Microfluidics enhanced materials synthesis
      Palestrante: Prof. Amy Shen, University of Washington, Seattle, EUA
      Data: 28/04/2011; Horário: 14h; Local: CT, SALA G-122
      Contato: Fernando Duda – duda@mecanica.ufrj.br


      The flow of complex fluids in confined geometries produces rich and new phenomena due to the interaction between the intrinsic length-scales of the fluid and the geometric length-scales of the device. In this talk, I will showcase a variety of self-assembly fluids (surfactant, lipid and supramolecular systems) that yield a novel route to synthesizing biocompatible nanoporous materials. Through a combination of experiment and modeling I will show how self-assembly, confinement, and flow can be utilized to control fluid microstructure and system phase transitions, and thus to enhance the controlled synthesis of biocompatible new materials.


      Amy Shen received her Ph.D in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in October 2000. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University from 2000-2002. Amy Shen is an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering at University of Washington and served as the director of soft matter and microfluidics laboratory. Amy’s research is focused on the complex fluids and the hydrodynamics of these materials to create morphologies and structures that can find application in the nanotechnology, biotechnology, microelectronics, and energy related materials. Amy received Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in 2003 and the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award in 2007. Amy is also an honor member of Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Tau Sigma.

      Mais informações: www.mecanica.coppe.ufrj.br 



      MINICURSO: Introduction to Microfluidics and Rheology

    • Fonte: Prof. Fernando Duda (UFRJ)

      MINICURSO: Introduction to Microfluidics and Rheology
      Prof. Amy Shen, University of Washington, Seattle, EUA
      Data: De 03a 05/05/2011; Horário: 15h; Local: SALA G-219.
      Contato: Fernando Duda – duda@mecanica.ufrj.br

      The interface between engineering and miniaturization is among the most intriguing and active areas of inquiry in modern technology. The aim of this short course is to illuminate and explore microfluidics as an interdisciplinary research area, with an emphasis on emerging microfluidics disciplines, including novel materials synthesis, bio-micro technology and nanotechnology by coupling microfluidics with Rheology.

      The course will begin by highlighting important fundamental aspects of fluid mechanics, scaling laws, flow transport, followed by micro fabrication techniques, mixing and pumping system, bubbles/drops formation in microfluidics. The course will also cover basic rheology discussion of non-Newtonian fluids, with the goal to help the student identify how different aspects of rheological studies coupled with microfluidics are related to a variety of industrial problems (fiber spinning, extrusion, oil recovery, and nano- and bio-materials synthesis).

      Mais informações: www.mecanica.coppe.ufrj.br 



    • PRÊMIO ABCM 2011

    • Fonte: Prof. Angela Nieckele (PUC-Rio)

      Instruções Gerais

      Podem candidatar-se aos Prêmios ABCM-EMBRAER nas categorias Mestrado e Doutorado os autores de dissertações de mestrado e de teses de doutorado, respectivamente, defendidas e aprovadas no âmbito dos Programas de Pós-Graduação credenciados pela CAPES. Podem candidatar-se ao Prêmio ABCM-Melhor Projeto de Formatura os autores de projetos de formatura concluídos e aprovados no âmbito dos Cursos de Graduação habilitados pelo MEC.

      Cada trabalho somente poderá concorrer em uma categoria de Prêmio.

      São aceitos trabalhos desenvolvidos em Programas do País de Pós-Graduação e Cursos de Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica e, também, em outras áreas afins, desde que o tema e o enfoque do trabalho tenha interseção com a Engenharia e as Ciências Mecânicas, como por exemplo, nas áreas Aeroespacial, Civil, Materiais, Mecatrônica, Naval, Nuclear, Petróleo, etc.

      Somente serão considerados para avaliação nas categorias de melhor tese, melhor dissertação e melhor projeto de formatura os trabalhos concluídos, defendidos e aprovados no período de 1° de Julho de 2010 a 30 de Junho de 2011.

      A premiação referente à melhor monografia em metrologia dimensional ocorre apenas em anos ímpares, juntamente com a realização do COBEM. Não há restrição quanto ao período de realização do trabalho.

      Clique aqui para ler o texto completo.