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    Semana de 04 a 10 de setembro (36ª semana) de 2011



    • PACAM XII – Deadline for abstract submission this Satuday!

    • 02 a 06 de janeiro de 2012 ,Port of Spain, Trinidad 
      Fonte: Profª. Maria Laura Martins Costa (UFF)

      Dear Colleague,

      The deadline for submission of abstracts to the Twelfth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM XII) is Saturday, September 3, 2011 (!!)

      PACAM XII will be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad from January 2 – 6, 2012, in collaboration with the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.The congress, organized by the American Academy of Mechanics and held every two years, is supported by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the US Association for Computational Mechanics, the Argentine Association for Computational Mechanics, the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics, and the Chilean Society of Computational Mechanics.

      We invite you to submit an abstract/full paper on a relevant topic in Applied Mechanics, as described in the conference website http://www.pacamxii.org/


      •A limited number of travel fellowships will be awarded to young faculty and researchers from the US, thanks to an NSF grant. Details are on the websitehttp://pacamxii.org/TravelGrants.html

      •There are 14 specialized mini-symposia (http://pacamxii.org/Minisymposia3.html) and 10 different regular session topics (http://pacamxii.org/pacamTopics.html)

      •The plenary speakers of the congress have now been confirmed: Luiz Bevilacqua (LLNC, Brazil), Gustavo Buscaglia (USP, Brazil), Michael Ortiz (Caltech, USA), Richard Rand (Cornell, USA), Charles Steele (Stanford, USA).

      We hope you can accept this invitation, and look forward to seeing you in Trinidad!

      Best regards,

      Jacqueline Bridge and Adrian Lew, PACAM XII Co-chairs




    • ICTAM 2012 -23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

    • 19 a 24 de agosto de 2012 ,Beijing, China.
      Fonte: Prof. José Roberto de França Arruda (UNICAMP) , Prof. Luiz Bevilacqua (UFRJ) e Prof. Renato Machado Cotta (COPPE-UFRJ)

      Dear Colleagues,

      The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2012) of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) will be held in Beijing, China, from *19 to 24 August, 2012*. The Congress will cover all branches of theoretical and applied mechanics and related sciences. It will be held in the China National Convention Center (CNCC), which is located in the heart of the Olympic Green of Beijing, adjacent to the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) and the National Aquatics Center (Water Cube). The ICTAM2012 is hosted by the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM).

      You are cordially invited to contribute to and participate in ICTAM2012.

      Submission of papers on the Congress website at http://www.ictam2012.org/ is accepted from *September 1, 2011*.

      The deadline for paper submission is Monday, *January 9, 2012*.

      Enclosed please find the First Announcement and Call for Papers of the Congress. For more detailed and updated information of ICTAM2012, please visit the Congress website athttp://www.ictam2012.org/.

      Mais informações: Clique aqui



    • IUTAM Symposia and Summer Schools

    • Fonte: Prof. José Roberto de França Arruda (UNICAMP)

      Dear Colleague,

      It is a good time to start thinking about proposals for 2014/2015 IUTAM Symposia or Summer Schools.

      The deadline for application is 01 April 2012.

      The submission of proposals must be made online. Please visit the IUTAM website


      IUTAM Symposia offer various benefits, including

      - a high-level scientific label that allows you to attract the best international experts in your field (the typical number of participants is between 60 and 100)

      - a financial support up to 6,000 USD per symposium once it has been approved by IUTAM

      Best regards
      F. Dias
      Secretary General of IUTAM




    • Bolsa CAPES para Pós-Doutorado – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    • Fonte: Prof. Sandro Barros Ferreira (GT2-Energia)


      A empresa GT2 Energia (www.gt2.com.br) em parceria com a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, oferece uma bolsa CAPES para Pós-Doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica no projeto de “Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Filtragem de Fluidos Gasosos”.

      Conhecimento em simulação do comportamento de turbomáquinas e linguagens de programação são vantagens.

      A bolsa é no valor de R$ 5.300,00 (cinco mil e trezentos reais) mensais, sendo R$ 3.300,00 (três mil e trezentos reais) oriundos da CAPES e R$ 2.000,00 (dois mil reais) oriundos da GT2 Energia.

      Os interessados devem mandar CV Lattes para cv@gt2.com.br.

      O recém doutor que estava com esta bolsa foi contratado pela GT2.


      Sandro Barros Ferreira 



    • LAJSS – New Issue Published

    • Fonte: Prof. Marcílio Alves (USP)

      Dear Readers:

      Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures has just published its latest issue athttp://www.lajss.org/index.php/LAJSS. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site www.lajss.org to free download the articles you may find interesting.

      Thank you for the continuing interest in LAJSS.

      Best regards,

      Marcilio Alves & Heraldo da Costa Mattos

      Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures Vol 8, No 3 (2011)

      Table of Contents


      Dynamic response analysis of single-span guideway caused by high speed maglev train (213)
      Jin Shi,Ying Jie Wang

      Free vibration of thick orthotropic plates using trigonometric shear deformation theory (229)
      Yuwaraj Marotrao Ghugal,Atteshamuddin Shamshuddin Sayyad

      Thermal effect on free vibration analysis of functionally graded arbitrary straight-sided plates with different cutouts (245)
      Amin Zare

      Marco Antonio Martins Cavaco

      An extension of coupled beam method and its application to study ship’shull-superstructure interaction problems (265)
      Fattaneh Morshed Soluk, Mohammad Reza Khedmati

      A probabilistic capacity spectrum strategy for the reliability analysis of bridge pile shafts considering soil structure interaction (291)
      Dookie Kim, Sandeep Chaudhary,Charito Fe M.Nocete,Wang Feng,Do Hyung Lee

      Coupling of FEM and BEM methods for Modeling the Interaction of a Piezoelectric Ceramic (305)
      Abid Ali Shah

      A local-restart coupled strategy for simultaneous sizing and geometry truss optimization (335)
      André Jacomel Torii,Rafael Holdorf Lopez,Marco Antônio Luersen

      The natural frequencies of composite Profiled Steel Sheet Dry Board with Concrete infill (PSSDBC) system (351)
      Farhad Abbas Gandomkar, Wan Hamidon Wan Badaruzzaman, Siti Aminah Osma

      Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures